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發表於 2017-8-22 22:52:16 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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While the University of Guyana (UG) is eagerly awaiting the commencement of the US$10M University of Guyana Science and Technology Support Project, Government still has to satisfy certain conditions for the World Bank to sign the loan document.Darshana Patel, Communications Specialist, of World Bank Guyana, stated that the project preparation commenced in December 2010. The Government of Guyana prepared a proposal which was approved by the World Bank’s Executive Board.Patel added that project is being implemented via the Ministry of Education and that Government is yet to provide documents satisfying the criteria.According to UG’s Vice Chancellor,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Dr. Marlene Cox, it is no secret that UG is challenged to equip laboratories with relevant equipment for research. The World Bank project is linked to the Low Carbon Development Strategy and will be based in four Science faculties: Agriculture and Forestry, Natural Sciences, and the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences.She said that though the Bank has approved the project, the implementation mechanism has not yet been set up. This will involve the Bank and Government going through the formality of signing relevant documents and establishing a Project Steering Committee.Dr. Cox stated that the project will address the curriculum so that the Science programmes will be in keeping with what is required for the Low Carbon Development Strategy.It also seeks to address institutional capacity building that will support the University of Guyana in managing, monitoring and evaluating the project as well as planning for future phases of its strategic plan.The project sees the improvement of laboratory and building infrastructure at four faculties comprising 14 buildings; providing the laboratories with scientific equipment to enable the delivery of practical science education and research; and establishing of a campus wide internet network.Dr. Cox noted, “We came to this Campus in 1970 and since then the infrastructure really has not grown. The water and sewerage systems remain the same. We have not added many buildings but the student population has grown from about 600 to over 5,000 on this campus. Our staff population is about 600 in all so we are a large employer.”She said that with a campus this size the issue of basic maintenance needs to be addressed on an annual basis. There are pertinent support systems which need to be in place in order for the University to deliver quality education is required by students, parents and the nation.“We have been facing many challenges but they are not unique to UG, it is a challenge that is being faced by other universities across the world. The world economic situation is such basically every dollar counts and you want to know where you putting your money you are getting the best value for it,” Dr. Cox said.According to Pulandar Kandhi, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education, an update of the project will be provided at a later date.

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