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發表於 2017-8-24 15:40:13 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Public Works Ministry has terminated a multi-million dollar sea defence contract that was undertaken by Toolsie Persaud Quarries Inc., in Leguan; and suspended the contract for M&B Construction carrying out works in Wakenaam.This is according to the Government Information Agency (GINA) in a press release issued on behalf of the Ministry yesterday.According to the release, on August 14, Transport and Hydraulics Minister Robeson Benn requested that the Public Works Ministry’s engineers suspend M&B Construction’s contract until the contractor repairs a two-mile stretch of road in Maria’s Pleasure,jerseys from china, Wakenaam.Apparently, the trucks used to transport the boulders for sea defence works have damaged the road – impeding the free flow of movement in and out of the community.GINA quoted the Minister as saying, “I was in the area yesterday and many residents bemoaned the fact that they really cannot use the road. It is evident that they traverse it with great difficulty”.The release stated, “The Minister further stated that the contractor, Mahendranauth Oodit, was warned before about using heavily loaded trucks on the road. The company commenced the construction of Rip Rap Sea Defence on January 16”.“They were told to use lighter loads in transporting materials between stockpiles, and despite several engagements with the Ministry’s sea defence engineers they blatantly continued, the Works Minister disclosed,” GINA said.It was noted that Benn had visited the island six weeks ago, where frustrated residents had begun to complain about the state of the road.“Now they have to repair it immediately. The contract will remain suspended until the road is fixed. The residents deserve that!” the Minister declared.The contract is worth $96.6M, and Minister Benn revealed that the level of damage to the road “may exceed the monies that were allocated for road maintenance in the contract,” the release further stated.Meanwhile, a $126.8M contract for Toolsie Persaud Quarries Inc. to erect Rip Rap sea defences at Cane Garden, Leguan, has been terminated for non-performance. The order to commence work was issued since October 2012 with a project duration of eight months.According to GINA, Benn said, “The Company’s negligence resulted in more damage to the area.  And it is something we could not condone.According to him, the Ministry will not accept the cost for additional works due to negligent collateral damage done by contractors.The Ministry has since taken over the Leguan sea defence work.

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