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– Bartica slaughter victim’s father remembersZabeer Zakier leads the procession at his sonBy Sean DeversOn Christmas day, family members gather together and there is usually happiness, peace and goodwill.However, the Zakier family in Tuschen, East Bank Essequibo will be missing their son and brother Zaheer from their annual union this year after the Police Lance Corporal was gunned down on February 17 in the infamous Bartica Slaughter which left 12 dead.  The Zakiers are devout Muslims, and head of the home, Zabeer Zakier, explained that Eid is their big holiday with all the festivities. He added that although Christmas is just another holiday,Todd Frazier White Sox Jersey, his family would take part in the season’s activities.“We are involved with neighbours and friends whenever it’s a holiday…be it Muslim, Hindu or Christian, and at this time of the year all the family members would come together. It is sad that Zaheer, who was just 25 when he died,Johnny Oduya Jersey, will not be with us this year but we believe in destiny and that this was the will of Allah,Joe Greene Steelers Jersey,” Zabeer, a local cricket umpire, international cricket scorer and full time farmer told Kaieteur News.His late son’s wife Zahira and three-year-old daughter Aqeela will spend their first Christmas without their loved one and although Zaheer will be missed, the family finds comfort in their belief that the Creator loved the Police Officer more than they did and called him to a better place.“Once you are born you have to die…that’s expected…but it was the manner in which Zaheer was killed that left the family in shock. I also feel if you keep remembering that day it would be hard for you to move forward with your life. As the leader of the home I have to be an example of strength so that we can move on. If you keep yourself occupied you will not have much time to remember. We will never forget Zaheer but we must accept that he is no longer with us,Taj Gibson Bulls Swingman Jersey,” Zabeer said.As one of Guyana’s top 10 cricket umpires,Graham Knott Jersey, Zabeer is not an emotional person but although he spoke in a matter-of-fact manner, you could see the father of six still felt the pain of losing his eldest son.              Zabeer said that Zaheer, who died from multiple gunshot wounds, also loved cricket but after joining the Guyana Police Force at age 18, his job prevented him from playing competitively.“He was stationed in Georgetown and when he got married about four years ago he requested to be transferred closer to home. He got an early promotion and replaced ranks that were transferred from the Bartica Police Station. He was there less than a year,” Zabeer disclosed.The 47-year-old Zakier,Joe Crede White Sox Jersey, who has lived all of his life in Tuschen, revealed that his son’s passing has affected the family in a big way since his three brothers and two sisters looked up to him and would discuss things with their ‘big brother’ that they did not even talk about with him or their mother Zoreena.“They told him things they did not tell us because he was their age group and they were close. He missed the weddings of both his sister Zameena and his brother Zaheed who got married last Sunday, and I know it still hurts everyone because he was so young and full of life. He had so many dreams,” Zabeer added.Zaheer would have been 26 last April and his sister’s wedding was planned for that month,Jeremiah Attaochu Chargers Jersey, but because of the tragedy it was postponed to last August.It is never easy to come to terms with the brutal death of a family member and cricket has played an important role in the healing process for the Essequibian who grows cash crops and ground provision on a nine-acre farm in Zeelugt.“We know that there is nothing you can do when someone’s time is up but it is still hard sometimes when we remember his smiling face or him playing with his baby daughter. Our strong faith in Allah and cricket has helped me to overcome the tough times. Being involved in scoring and umpiring has helped me a lot and despite all that has happened, I still have faith in my country and want to serve Guyana as a first-class umpire before I reach 50. I love umpiring and I am working hard to break into the regional panel by the next three years,” Zabeer informed.A fully qualified umpire, Zabeer who was the book scorer in last year’s ICC Cricket World Cup and who was a part of history when he recorded the scores in the inaugural Test match at the Guyana National Stadium this year, advised the relatives of those who were murdered by criminals to have faith,L.C. Greenwood Steelers Jersey, find constructive things to do and to believe that God knows best.“I strive to be a positive person. I know only Allah is the supreme judge. I urge youths who are tempted to get into crime to get into sports instead. Crime only destroys the lives of you and others. Sport has helped me through many difficult times and I know sports can unite a nation and reduce crime. If more emphasis is placed on sports it would provide the opportunity for more young men to get off the streets and get involved in something positive,Ken Griffey Reds Jersey,” Zabeer opined.A former Police officer, Zabeer played cricket as an off-spinner for the Talcom Sports Club in East Bank Essequibo and was classmates with former Guyana batsman Rabindranauth Seeram at the Stewartville Secondary School before turning his attention to scoring and umpiring.“As an umpire I see more and more bad attitude being shown by the younger players who seem to have little regards for discipline these days. This is a general attitude among young people today which is also why more young boys are not getting involved in umpiring. They prefer to go and lime and drink and sometimes end up in the wrong company.”It is hoped that Zabeer’s advice to get involved in sport is heeded so that come next year there will be at least one less criminal and one less family spending Christmas Day without a loved one whose life is ruthlessly snuffed out by a bullet.

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