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發表於 2017-8-28 04:30:53 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The head of Cevons Waste Management is not prepared to take any blame or verbal attack from City Hall as it relates to waste management within the city. The business’s Chief Executive Officer Morse Archer in a public statement yesterday expressed concern over remarks made by Town Clerk (ag) Carol Sooba, which purport to shed a negative light on the service provided by the waste management company.City Hall is currently facing a dilemma where there is no garbage collector for Central and South Georgetown (Groups Seven and Eight respectively).The previous garbage collector, Puran Brothers Disposal Service recently pulled its services for non- payment.Puran Brothers was initially approved by Sooba to service Groups Seven and Eight (Central and South GT respectively). However, the Mayor and Councillors were not supportive since they had asked for the areas to be advertised.Due to Puran’s recent pull out, Sooba was asked during a press conference last week whether she would consider hiring Cevons to aid in waste management.She answered that Cevons was unreliable and listed other issues why the company was not chosen.Cevons said that the attempt by Sooba to desecrate the integrity of the company in addressing the garbage build up in Central, South Georgetown because Puran Brothers withdrew services is a disservice to businesses, residents and visitors of Georgetown.The CEO did not take kindly to Sooba’s statement about Cevons being unreliable,NFL Jerseys China, with leaking trucks that carry a foul smell. He said,Cheap Jerseys, to resort to such an explanation as justification for denying the company the opportunity to serve the people of Georgetown, deserves attention.The CEO reassured residents and businesses of Georgetown that all Cevons Waste Management equipment,cheap nfl jerseys, including trucks are in good working order.“Our trucks are cleaned daily and our employees are ready and able to play their role in ensuring the sanitation of the environment and the health of the people.”“At no time has the Georgetown Mayor & City Council (M&CC) drawn to our attention any compliant about poor service, as the Town Clerk (ag) now alleges.”Archer continued that Cevons Waste Management and Puran Brothers submitted quotations for garbage collection in the two affected areas in Central and South Georgetown.This was after the Council’s trucks that serviced the areas broke down and external parties had to be hired.“In one area (which includes West Ruimveldt, East Ruimveldt, North East La Pennitence,Jerseys From China, Jeeboo Lands, West La Pennitence and Castello Housing Scheme), Puran’s bid was lower than CWM’s and in the other (which include North Cumminsburg, South Cummigsburg, Alberttown,wholesale nfl jerseys, Kingston) Cevons Waste Management was lower than Puran’s.”Archer said that the Town Clerk (ag) nonetheless awarded both areas to Puran Brothers, on the claim that she preferred to have one contractor, “despite the obvious financial savings”.In the quotation process, it is an established policy for favourable consideration to be given to the lower bidder. This policy was not respected for Cevons Waste Management, Archer highlighted.He said that the environmental wellbeing and public health of residents are too important to be ensnared in another unpleasantness and “Cevons therefore views with concern the energies public officials enlist for unbecoming service.”The CEO reiterated, “what the M&CC and Town Clerk (ag) know,NFL Jerseys Supply, is that this organisation has the competitive advantage in garbage management/removal in this country.”Further, the CEO charged, it must be noted that M&CC has been renting skip/bins – Cevons Waste Management has the most skips/bins, each with higher payload, holding over 25 percent more waste than its competitor.On several occasions Cevons Waste Management offered to make its skips/bins available to the M&CC and these offers have all been rejected by the Town Clerk (ag), Archer claimed.He restated however, the company’s notable customer service reputation and a satisfied clientele that knows the company for getting the job done.In the meantime, Groups Seven and Eight remain without a garbage collector and Puran’s has warned City Hall that legal action will follow if they are not paid for their service.

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