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發表於 2017-8-29 13:43:07 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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As Guyana continues to struggle with affordable and dependent airlifts to especiallyCaribbean Airlines executives during the meeting at the Ministry of Housing on Thursday.North America, Government yesterday announced that it is continuing to court Trinidadian-owned Caribbean Airlines Limited (CAL) to help meet the demands.According to the Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA) yesterday, a team from Government, the Tourism and Hospitality Association of Guyana (THAG) and the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) met with the airline’s officials on Thursday.At the meeting were Minister of Tourism, Irfaan Ali; President of THAG, Shaun McGrath; Chief Executive Officer of CJIA,Cheap Jerseys, Ramesh Ghir, as well as tourism officials.According to GTA, the meeting sought to address key and critical issues including CAL’s customer service, in-transit process and security checks of Guyanese passengers at Piarco International Airport, seating capacity, airfare, and strengthening the collaboration between the airline and Guyana.CAL’s team included the CEO, Michael DiLollo, Vice President of Commercial Operations and Customer Service, George Reeleder and Sales Executive for Guyana and Suriname, Dion Innis.According to Minister Ali, the engagement was critical to strengthening the relationship with the airline and improving the role that CAL continues to play with regard to meeting the needs of the Guyana market.He urged the need for both Caribbean Airlines and the Government of Guyana to improve the partnership and to formulate a strategy that would define the way forward in the best interest of all stakeholders involved.Di Lollo, according to GTA, emphasised that steps have already been taken to ensure that connectivity improves and communication is enhanced with services expanded to the destination.According to Ghir, opportunities exist for the expansion of the airline’s service given the fact that CJIA will result in improved infrastructure. He also pointed to the impact of the recent modernisation of the control tower.Meanwhile, THAG’s President acknowledged that there are significant opportunities to expand the tourism sector further and expressed the hope that Caribbean Airlines will join in the amplified thrust to partner with all stakeholders to accomplish this.Di Lollo said too that one of the critical means of accomplishing a strengthened partnership was to establish a formal communication structure through which important concerns can be addressed and critical information shared.He said that despite existing constraints, CAL will continue to build improved partnerships with the Guyanese travellers.A team from the airline and the Government will meet early next year to discuss the way forward.

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