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發表於 2017-8-29 20:23:25 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– Home alarm foils ransom demand  A Brazilian businessman was early this morning rescued by an off-duty police rank on the Linden/Soesdyke Highway after his abductor released him.Reports are that Sergio Mattos,Herculez Gomez Jersey, Proprietor of Pure Diamonds Trading,Earl Mitchell Dolphins Jersey, Duncan Street was abducted by four men sometime around 00:30 hours today while leaving a house in Stone Avenue, Campbellville. This publication was told that the man was about to enter his vehicle when a car pulled up alongside him. The men,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, who were said to be clad in police attire,Darlington Nagbe Jersey, forced the businessman into their vehicle as they held him at gunpoint and relieved him of his licenced firearm.A source close to the investigation revealed that once inside the vehicle, the men told Mattos that he would be released once their demands were met. Reports are that the businessman then made a call to arrange for the money to be handed over to his abductors at the Georgetown seawall. Mattos, however,Reuben Foster Youth Jersey, beckoned his employee not to involve the police. However, while his employee was getting the money and gold prepared for the kidnappers the alarm to the Duncan Street building went off alerting a security firm and the police.According to reports,James Rodriguez Jersey, both the police and GEB security officials responded promptly. It was then that the police were made aware that something was amiss. A massive manhunt was then launched for the businessman who could not have been contacted.Meanwhile,Leroy Sane Jersey, several hours later an off-duty police rank who was on his way to work from Linden in a minibus spotted a man with both his hands and feet bound on the Soesdyke/Linden Highway. The rank ordered the minibus to stop to render assistance to the man. The businessman was taken to the Highway Base Patrol. The ranks there then informed their colleagues in the city. The man was subsequently brought to the city where he was questioned and taken for medical attention.

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