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FaceCulture recently conducted an interview with Chris Robertson (lead vocals, lead guitar) and Jon Lawhon (bass guitar,Cleveland Indians Lonnie Chisenhall Jersey, backing vocals) of Kentucky rockers BLACK STONE CHERRY. You can now watch the chat in two parts below.BLACK STONE CHERRY's fourth album,Los Angeles Dodgers Yasiel Puig Jersey, "Magic Mountain", which will be released on May 6 (one day earlier internationally) via Roadrunner Records.  "Magic Mountain" track listing:01. Holding On…To Letting Go02. Peace Pipe03. Bad Luck & Hard Love04. Me And Mary Jane05. Runaway06. Magic Mountain07. Never Surrender08. Blow My Mind09. Sometimes10. Fiesta Del Fuego11. Dance Girl12. Hollywood in Kentucky13. Remember MeCommenting on the making of the Joe Barresi-produced "Magic Mountain", BLACK STONE CHERRY said: "Not since before our first album have we felt the freedom and confidence that we felt while writing and recording this album.  "After touring the world behind three previous albums that we are extremely proud of, we feel this album best captures the live energy,Cleveland Indians Bob Feller Jersey, honesty and vibe that encompasses our true musicianship."The "Me And Mary Jane" video can be seen below. The clip was directed by Mason Dixon in Nashville,Chicago Cubs Addison Russell Jersey, Tennessee. "We wanted to make a cool,Jersyes From China, interesting, and dangerous video… all the while keeping it sexy and rock 'n' roll,Cheap Authentic Jerseys," BLACK STONE CHERRY frontman Chris Robertson tells Billboard.com. The clip has "a ton of vibe and we're sure people will want to watch it over and over again,Art Shell Raiders Jersey," adds Robertson. "I mean,Bryan Trottier Jersey, if you're gonna do a video in today's world, why not go for it."BLACK STONE CHERRY's previous albums, 2008's "Folklore And Superstition" and 2011's "Between The Devil & The Deep Blue Sea",Nat Moore Dolphins Jersey, both topped the U.K. Rock Albums chart on their release and have since racked up silver sales certification status from the BPI (British Phonographic Industry).BLACK STONE CHERRY is: Chris Robertson - Vocals/GuitarBen Wells - Guitar/VocalsJon Lawhon - Bass/VocalsJohn Fred Young - Drums/Vocals

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