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NFL Jerseys Outlet President of the GTUC









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發表於 2017-9-4 00:58:30 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Guyana Trades Union Congress has stated that come what may, they will continue to support the Guyana Agriculture and Workers Union and that it is not surprised by the ‘tactic’ used by the government. In an invited comment recently,China Jerseys Cheap, President of the GTUC, Norris Witter described the recent statement by GuySuCo to derecognise the Union as a historical occurrence.“What we are seeing is what most of us know occurs historically; a dictator when it reaches a point where it is seriously challenged by its citizens it has a propensity of turning against its own.”Witter said that the current regime has reached a point whereby it recognises that the struggle against its excesses is not coming exclusively from those it perceives to be its enemy but from those that are considered to be within its own rights.“Thus for its own survival it (the Government) will not hesitate to move against its own supporter in preservation of its own self interest,cheap nfl jerseys online, that is what we are observing right now where the regime is prepared to repress, pillory and pummel the poor sugar workers who were once considered the vote bank just to preserve its survival”.Also the GTUC’s General Secretary Lincoln Lewis said his Union will stand in support of GAWU’s quest for just wages,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, a just society and better working conditions.“We stand with GAWU,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, we cannot take any other position, the circumstances dictate at anytime that we have to hold hands,China Jerseys Wholesale, we cannot allow a dictator to dictate, they have destroyed some unions in this process,”Lewis said that the Union is prepared to seek the intervention of international bodies once the need arises. Recently, GuySuCo via a statement had threatened to derecognise GAWU with whom they were engaged in wages talks.GuySuCo’s letter dated December 16, 2010 informing the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU),Wholesale Jerseys, that the Corporation is “considering to terminate the ‘Recognition and the Avoidance and Settlement of Disputes’ agreement dated 27th February, 1976 that currently subsists between your Union and the Corporation.”

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