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發表於 2017-9-5 17:35:26 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Six Chinese nationals were yesterday remanded into state custody pending investigations relating to the circumstances of their stay in Guyana.The six who reportedly came to this country on business, appeared before (Ag) Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine -Beharry at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court.The court learnt that on August 24 they all entered Guyana via the Cheddi Jagan International Airport and were granted a week’s stay in the country to transact business.However on August 28 the police intercepted the group in Lethem as they attempted to travel to Brazil without the appropriate travel documents.Prosecutor Stephen Telford made an application to have the Chinese deemed as illegal immigrants and deported to China.Telford explained that the defendants all citizens of the Republic of China,Wholesale Jerseys Outlet, cancelled their tickets to return to the country of their birth,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, and went to Lethem to cross over to Brazil via the border.He told the court that the Chinese were detained by the police because they were traveling in a taxi in route to the Guyana \Brazil border without the legal travel documents.The prosecutor further said that the taxi driver,Wholesale Jerseys, who was contracted by the Chinese,Cheap Jerseys NFL China, gave the police information that he was transporting the group of Chinese who intended to depart for Brazil.Attorney At Law,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Euclin Gomes provided legal service for the six immigrants.Gomes told the court that his clients were in Lethem driving around looking for a place to eat when they were arrested by the police. The lawyer said that his clients had not breached the legal conditions of their stay in Guyana but that their visit expired while in police custody and they could not make an application for an extension of time to remain in the country.Prosecutor Telford then disputed that lawyer’s submission and stated the Chinese were intercepted while heading to Brazil.When asked by Magistrate whether they want to return to China,China Jerseys Free Shipping, the Chinese all gave a negative response. As such the Magistrate recommended that the lawyer approach the Supreme Court to make any further applications on his clients’ behalf.  The matter was adjourned until Tuesday September 18 to facilitate further investigations.

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