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發表於 2017-9-5 22:28:58 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Panama’s flag carrier Copa Airlines will add three new destinations to its already extensive flight routes by mid-year. The Central America-based company will be offering four flights a week to each of those destinations.Non-stop service to New Orleans in the United States will commence on June 24,Chris Chelios Jersey, and Villahermosa, the Capital of Tabasco,Vincent Lecavalier Lightning Jersey, and to Puebla, both in Mexico,Wholesale Jerseys, on July 31 and August 4 respectively. Copa will be offering service to 11 US destinations and six in Mexico once the new flights begin.Copa announced their new routes in Panamaon Sunday when the company highlighted last year’s achievements.  They said that by mid-2015, Copa Airlines will offer flights to a total of 73 destinations in 30 countries in North, Central, and South America and the Caribbean from the Americas hub-location at Tocumen International Airport in Panama City.This means that Guyanese will be able to travel to these new locations via Copa. The airline made its inaugural flight last July, adding Guyana to the list of South American countries on its routes. The airline made it easy for Guyanese to travel to North, South and Central America.Copa said it will serve a total of 73 destinations in 30 countries in the Americas and the Caribbean with the addition of the new routes.During the special event, Copa informed that it transported more than 11.6 million passengers in 2014, a 10 percent increase in seat capacity from 2013.  The airline projected a seven percent growth in 2015, and expects to transport approximately 12.27 million passengers for that year; an increase of more than 600,000 passengers over 2014.“Our sustained growth in the last few years has allowed us to strengthen our leadership position in the region and establish the Hub of the Americas as the most successful and efficient hub for travel to, from, and within Latin America,” said Copa’s Senior Vice President of Finances,Austin Jackson Jersey, Jose Montero. “Copa Airlines’ connectivity has promoted business and contributed to increased commercial opportunities and investment in the countries where we operate.”Copa’s growth initiatives will continue to have a positive impact on the local economy,Cody Allen Indians Jersey, Montero noted before announcing a new alliance with the Panamanian Tourism Authority. This is “designed to continue positioning Panama as a great destination with everything to offer,James Patrick Rangers Jersey, to increase tourist traffic to the country, and to continue contributing to the development of commerce and tourism in Panama.”Between April and August 2015, the airline said it will promote Panama and markets including the U.S., Brazil, Colombia,LeBron James Cavaliers Jersey, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Canada and other countries in Latin America.Copa said that its major milestones for 2014 included increased available seat capacity by 10 percent, and earning “most on-time airline in Latin America” from Flight Stats for its 90.66 percent on-time performance rate, one of the best in the industry.Copa was also named the “Leading Airline in Mexico and Central America’” by World Travel Awards, and also prized the addition of Guyana; Montreal in Canada; Fort Lauderdale, Florida U.S.A and Santa Clara, Cuba to its routes.By the end of 2014, the airline had a total of 6,509 co-workers in Panama and 2,LaDainian Tomlinson Chargers Jersey,758 across the Americas, for a total of 9,267 employees.Copa Airlines and Copa Airlines Colombia, subsidiaries of Copa Holdings, are major Latin American providers of passengers and cargo services. The airline said that during its more than 65 years of uninterrupted operations, it has transformed the Hub of the Americas in Panama into the leading hub on the continent.Copa operates one of the youngest and most modern fleets in the industry, consisting of 98 aircraft: 72 Boeing Next-Generation 737 and 26 Embraer-190. It is part of Star Alliance, the leading global airline network, which currently offers more than 18,000 daily flights to 1,269 destinations in 193 countries, as well as access to 1,Kenny Stabler Raiders Jersey,000 VIP clubs.

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