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發表於 2017-9-6 10:47:02 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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People got a old saying. When you set trap fuh you mattee you does be the first to fall in. In de case of Barbie and de Rat,Mark Recchi Adidas Jersey, one gun be de first to fall in and de other would follow.While some does set trap,Adoree Jackson USC Jersey, others does set bait.Everybody know you does have to set bait to catch fish,Wholesale Real Madrid Jerseys, and you does have to walk with your own bait.Unlike Jagdeo.  He thiefing de people bait wha dem wuk hard for and using de same bait fuh ketch de very people. He use de free laptop as de bait and hope fuh ketch dem wid de internet fee down de road.Is de people money that buy de laptop suh when he tell dem that de laptop free,Lassana Diarra Jersey, he was lying. Dem people done pay fuh it and now is time de same people pay he and he kavakamite rental fuh get de use of de laptop.Jagdeo did promise all of dem wid de laptop twelve months free internet access and everybody was happy. Dem didn’t know wha deh behind that.He set dem up like when a man set trap fuh labba and set a similar trap fuh a woman. De only difference is that de labba does get shoot before he reach de bait and de woman does get throw down after she tek de bait.Is like a man meet a woman in January and he bait she wid a big raise. She does show all she teeth. Every month same big raise she getting. This happen fuh one year. Just like de promise to de people wid de laptop.She start living a big life and she showing off pun she friends and she neighbours. Then de man pull de plug. Dem boys seh that when this happen is then she gun be forced to give way she dog,Bruce Smith Bills Jersey, she cat,Carlos Beltran Astros Jersey, and anything she can put she hand pun because she accustom to de big life.Dem boys can’t seh exactly wha guh happen when Jagdeo and de Bees decide to pull de plug pun dem people who tek he laptop.  But dem boys certain that dem gun pull down Jagdeo and all of dem pants,Hines Ward Steelers Jersey, one by one.Talk half and careful wid de bait.

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