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發表於 2016-12-7 07:22:04 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Earlier this year, Canadian multi-instrumentalist, singer,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, songwriter and producer Devin Townsend played an incredible sold-out show at London's legendary Royal Albert Hall venue, bringing the story of Ziltoid to life on stage as well as playing tracks from across his back catalogue. This larger-than-life evening was captured on film and is set to be released on November 13. Shot on 15 high-definition cameras,Wholesale Jerseys China, it was directed by Paul M Green (OPETH, BB KING,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, STEVE HACKETT) and features special guests such as Dominique Lenore Persi (STOLEN BABIES), Chris Jericho (world-famous wrestler and singer of FOZZY) and Jean Savoie, with video narration by Bill Courage,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, as well as 12 singers and actors as cast and choir. A performance clip of the song "Deadhead",Wholesale Jerseys, taken from "Devin Townsend Presents: Ziltoid Live At The Royal Albert Hall",China Jersyes Cheap, can be seen below.Devin had this to say about it: "The show at The Royal Albert Hall was a great experience. To be able to make artistic expression rooted in creativity and then to be able to articulate it in these sorts of ways — at this sort of venue — was pretty awesome. The whole thing was quite a challenge, but ultimately it worked and we were all very satisfied with it. I completely appreciate the support that has allowed this to happen from the audience, and I thank my team and Inside Out Records for busting ass to make this DVD a reality. I think if you enjoy what I do,Cheap NFL Jerseys China Stitched, you'll really dig it. Thank you so much for the opportunity!"The release will arrive on several formats including an artbook of 44 pages including the entire concert as well as extensive behind-the-scenes bonus footage and a full documentary, pressed on three CDs, two DVDs and a Blu-ray disc,Wholesale Jerseys China, as special edition digipak with three CDs and a DVD and as Blu-ray,cheap nfl jerseys store, including the entire show and bonus material.

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