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發表於 2017-9-8 07:15:35 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Following a bitter exchange between Public Works Minister Robeson Benn and Georgetown Mayor Hamilton Green over the construction of a monument in memory of those who died in the Cubana Air Disaster on October 6, 1976, Mayor Green has indicated to this newspaper that the monument will be constructed, despite the claims being made by the Public Works Ministry.Earlier in the week,Daniel Sprong Penguins Jersey, Minister Benn immediately ordered the workers off the construction site at Camp and Lamaha Streets, North Cummingsburg,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys, and instructed that works be halted.Benn had claimed that the workers were operating under unsafe conditions,Ray Nitschke Packers Jersey, and that the Mayor and City Council did not officially notify the Ministry of Public Works that construction has commenced at the site.He had noted that the construction was also affecting the free flow of traffic in the area.However,Kurt Warner Rams Jersey, according to Mayor Green, works have recommenced, and the monument will be put up early in this week.Green said that he will be disappointed if any Government entity would want to prevent the monument from being constructed,Zane Gonzalez Jersey, given that it is being done for a country which has plunged so much of its human resources in Guyana.When the incident surfaced on Thursday last,Francis Coquelin Arsenal Jersey UK, Minister Benn had told this newspaper that he was not aware that the monument was being erected at the said location.In this regard,NFL Jerseys From China, Mayor Green is questioning if Minister Benn was asleep ‘all the time,’ as according to him,Cheap NHL Jerseys Authentic, the discussion surrounding the erection of the structure has been in the limelight for over two years now.When Minister Benn had stopped construction at the site, Mayor Green had even gone to the extent of calling the minister a bully,Jesus Navas Manchester City Jersey UK, and had sent a message that ‘the Mayor of Georgetown will not be bullied.’

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