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Cheap Jerseys Supply according to President Jagdeo









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發表於 2017-9-8 13:22:20 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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President Bharrat Jagdeo has called on Sugar Workers to “stand up and fight” when people threaten the institutions that try to bring people together.The remarks were delivered during his address at the Enmore Martyrs Memorial Ceremony on Thursday last. He told the audience that the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) was trying to “actively destroy the Ethnic Relations Committee (ERC) which is designed to bring people together.”Saying that he was speaking in the context of the Enmore Martyrs struggle, the President urged those gathered to recognize that there are others who have struggled to advance the body of rights in the country. He called on sugar workers to “advance solidarity” to those who struggle together. He went on to point out that the key struggle in the country is to bring people together without regards for ethnicity and religion around which “true working class unity” will be forged. This was, according to President Jagdeo,Jerseys From China, what true working class unity will be forged around.He said that it would not come by a few union leaders expressing grievances and defending each other even as there are grave abuses within the leadership of the unions.The President said that when the PNCR tried to destroy the ERC it was an assault not only against the sugar workers but against the entire nation. He pointed out that the country has changed immeasurably since the time of the Enmore Martyrs. The freedoms won from the colonial rulers were according to the President lost to a group of persons who felt that “the elite were more important than the people’s rights,Cheap Jerseys From China,” but they have been won again. He went on to say that there are people trying to reverse the gains of the freedom struggle, and that for these people “there is no broadness or depth of vision”.On June 1,jerseys from china, 2011 the High Court issued an Injunction and a Conservatory Order during the course of the day ‘directing and ordering’ three men from “holding themselves out as Chairman and members” of the ERC. The court order also moved to stop the three defendants – Juan Anthony Edghill,Cheap NFL Jerseys, L. John P. Willems and Carvil Duncan – from taking any decisions, making any recommendations or issuing any directions in the name of the Commission.Leader of the PNCR, Robert Corbin said on that occasion that the party has long been in support of the ERC but when the proceedings of the body became unconstitutional they felt that it was time to speak up. As such their objections to the constitutionality were brought to the people at length and now that the case has been presented to the public they have brought it to the courts.Among the issues raised where the expired term of office of the commissioners, unconstitutional decisions taken by the defendants, lack of quorum, interference in elections and with the constitutional rights of citizens as well as issues with use of tax-payers money.Among the injunctions and orders filed were three that pertained to monies used by the three defendants since the expiration of their lawful tenure as Commissioners.The first was a declaration stating that the defendants were not entitled to any “remuneration, allowances and/or monies” from the State Treasury or any other source that was intended for use by the Commission. An injunction against the defendants or any representatives from collecting further monies in the name of the ERC as well as an order directing the refund of all monies obtained since August 2007 to the Treasury were also included in the action.The ERC,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, meanwhile,Wholesale Jerseys Group, said in a recent press release that all departments at its secretariat continue to function as it executes its work programme.

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