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Wholesale China NFL Jerseys Acting Lieutenant Colonels Ramkarran Doodnauth









Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 2017-9-8 14:43:16 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Guyana Defence Force Chief-of-Staff Gary Best announced that Commander-in-Chief President Donald Ramotar has approved the promotions of 95 officers, in accordance with Part III Section 16 of the Defence Act Chapter 15:01, of 1977.Acting Colonels, Enoch Gaskin and Frances Abraham, who were elevated to that rank on January 1, 2012,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, have been confirmed. Additionally, Acting Lieutenant Colonels Ramkarran Doodnauth, Gary Baird, Julius Skeete and Omar Khan have been confirmed in their rank.Acting Majors Sean Harmon, Mohinder Ramjag, Jermain Cort, Dale Ann David,Cheap Jerseys From China Outlet, Anson Weekes, Andy Pompey, Charles Wickham,Cheap Jerseys, Dale de Mendonca, Kester Craig, Shen Fung, Sheldon Howell, Courtney Mendonca and Ron Caulder have all been confirmed in their rank and are now Substantive Majors.Also joining them in that rank are Substantive Captain Selwyn Austin and Substantive Lieutenant Miguel Benjamin, who were elevated in rank to Substantive Major.Chief-of-Staff Commodore Gary Best (left) with the assistance of Colonel Mark Phillips decorates Major Selwyn Austin with his new badge of rank.Meanwhile, six Substantive Captains have been elevated in rank to Acting Major and seven Acting Captains have been confirmed in their rank.Local Captain Kevin Moore and 11 Substantive Lieutenants have been elevated in rank to Acting Captains,Cheap Jerseys, while 10 Acting Lieutenants have been confirmed in their rank. Of the latter, Acting Lieutenant Llewlyn Eastman has been confirmed in rank with effect from July 1, 2012.Eleven Second Lieutenants have been elevated in rank to Acting Lieutenant. Of this group,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Second Lieutenant Yuvindra Rampersaud has been elevated in rank with effect from July 1, 2012.In the Coast Guard, Acting Lieutenant Commander (CG), Vernon Burnett has been confirmed in his rank while Substantive Lieutenant (CG) Roger Nurse has been elevated in rank to Acting Lieutenant Commander (CG).Acting Lieutenants (CG) Rowel Rampersaud and Adrian Mclean have been confirmed in their rank while Substantive Sub-Lieutenant Wayne Richmond has been elevated in rank to Acting Lieutenant (CG).Meanwhile, three Acting Sub Lieutenants have been confirmed in their rank, and seven Midshipmen have been elevated in rank to Acting Sub Lieutenant.In the GDF Reserve, Acting Lieutenant Colonel Clifton Innis was confirmed in his rank and Acting Captain Sean Welcome was also confirmed in his rank. Substantive Lieutenant Deon Heyligar was elevated in rank to Acting Captain while 10 Second Lieutenants were elevated in rank to Acting Lieutenant.The newly-promoted Senior Officers received their new Badges of Rank at a simple yet significant Badging Ceremony,Wholesale Jerseys, at the Officers Club at Base Camp Ayanganna yesterday morning.

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