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Cheap Jerseys China according to the President









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發表於 2017-9-9 03:04:50 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Ministry of Human Services and Social Security will be offering drug rehabilitation to all drug addicts who are among the homeless persons it picks up off of the street and place in shelters.This was disclosed by the Human Services Minister, Priya Manickchand who told media operatives that they will also be offered skills training as well as medical attention whilst they are present in the facilities.She noted that from a non-medical perspective,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, a good 70 per cent of the persons picked up are addicted to something or another.Human Services Minister, Priya Manickchand rounding up some of the homeless persons recently.She noted that the Ministry will be collaborating with the University of Guyana to have some of its students work one on one with the individuals.  She emphasised that they will be supervised by professionals.According to Manickchand,Jerseys From China, the Ministry though providing the funds, will be collaborating with Non-Governmental Organisations which provide the same services to assist.Manickchand added that the Ministry will be persistent in its campaign to rid the streets of the indigent.Only recently Head of State, Bharrat Jagdeo, stated that although the government is doing its best to combat the drug trade in Guyana,Wholesale China Jerseys Free Shpping, enough is not being done at the state level to effectively deal with the drug addicts.During a press conference held at the Office of the President on Friday,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, President Jagdeo said that for the past two to three years, he has been giving grants to the Salvation Army so that the institution can improve on their rehabilitation programmes.“I hope we can increase and work with other NGO’s to ensure that people have a second chance in life, because anyone can make a mistake and start using drugs. We are not doing enough to deal with that,” the Head of State said.He explained that a recent report from the United Kingdom revealed that the UK has the highest drug use in the world, as over a million people are said to be using drugs.As it relates to Guyana’s fight with the drug trade, President Jagdeo noted that there are few countries in the hemisphere that usually polygraph their narcotics unit twice in six months and get rid of the people who fail.“No other country in this hemisphere I can think of has done this and in the last polygraph exercise,Wholesale Jerseys, we extended it from CANU to the Police Narcotics Unit and to the airport.Clearly it shows a strong commitment on the part of the government to ensure that the people who work in these agencies are clean. That’s the best I can do and provide them with the resources.”He added that if Guyana had access to more resources, then it may have been able to better patrol the waters,China Jerseys NFL, and also be able to have radar coverage over the entire country, along with flying police to all the borders.However, according to the President, all of these things cannot be done at this time, but the administration is utilising the resources available to the best of its capabilities.

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