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Cheap NFL Jerseys s Forensic Laboratory.According to a source









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– fabric under car to be tested for bloodstains Ranks from the Police Forensic Laboratory will employ techniques similar to their fictional counterparts in the popular CSI television series in their bid to solve the murder of bank employee Sheema Mangar.They are trying to ascertain whether a piece of fabric from under a car matches  Mangar’s clothing,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, while also attempting to see whether it has her bloodstains.  A police official explained that the investigators will spray the fabric with the chemical,Cheap Jerseys From China, luminol.Sheema MangarEven if minute traces of blood are present,Cheap Jerseys, the fabric will emit a blue glow when the luminol is sprayed.But the investigators will also need to establish beyond a doubt that the blood is Mangar’s.This can only be established via DNA testing, which is usually done overseas. DNA testing has only been done in a hand-full of local cases,Cheap Jerseys USA, and hardly ever to attempt to link a suspect to a crime. The official revealed that the Police Forensic Laboratory is also equipped with microscopes that can enable the investigators to compare the material they retrieved with Mangar’s uniform.A close relative of the slain bank employee revealed yesterday that they gave detectives a uniform similar to the one that Mangar was wearing when she was robbed and killed.According to a source, the torn and bloodstained clothing the victim was wearing was apparently discarded after she was hospitalised.Police Commissioner Henry Greene had told reporters that the piece of fabric that investigators retrieved from an impounded car appears to be similar to Mangar’s uniform.He said that forensic tests on the material will be conducted at the Force’s Forensic Laboratory.According to a source, investigators were also told that the man had tried to sell the phone. Police had detained another man and impounded a silver-grey car that he drove.Mangar,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, a Demerara Bank employee,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, was waiting for transportation near the junction of North Road and Camp Street three Fridays ago when a man snatched her phone. The thief then entered a silver-grey car and ran Mangar over when she stood in front of the vehicle in an attempt to retrieve her stolen phone.

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