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In the afterglow of its recent success on the campaign trail in Berbice and its recent massive public meeting held in New Amsterdam, Presidential candidate for A Partnership for National Unity, Brigadier David Granger,Cheap Jerseys Paypal, returned to East Berbice and  held a public meeting at Reliance,Cheap NFL Jerseys China,  East Canje.Speaking to a crowd of close to 200 made up of mostly sugar workers from the Rose Hall Estate,Cheap Jerseys From China, Brig. Granger told them it is time for a change. “It is time to rid themselves of the oppressive regime and vote a clean and caring movement in office that will take care of their welfare. APNU is that movement”.“We in APNU have come to tell you of our plans and what we will do to give you a better life. He stated that APNU is committed to your betterment and if 10 political parties and other organizations could come together to form this movement we do not see any reason why you should not come on board.He stated that both the PPP and the AFC have been invited to come on board but they refused and will have to face the consequences, when you vote for APNU on November 28.He said that the only way people can build this beautiful country is if all come together as one in togetherness, peace and unity to build back Guyana. Guyana is in a crisis. “We know your suffering and an APNU-led Government will bring you out of the mess this country is in, we know your pain.”Turning to the situation of the five missing fishermen,Wholesale Jerseys Group, Granger said that up to now the President, Presidential candidate or the Minister of Home affairs have not seen it fit to visit those affected families. They show no regards for the missing persons, no financial assistance. It’s a shame and disgrace on a government which stated that it is working class.“The fishermen are living in fear and are in danger of their lives from both the Government and the Pirates and APNU will address that,” Granger stated.Guyana is in a crisis and it is time Berbicians play their part in taking back Guyana from the claws of the PPP/C regime. Nineteen years is enough.Granger stated that the sugar industry is in a crisis and in the worst state it has ever been. Due to the scourge and blight of the PPP, over the past years the sugar industry is sliding to its death and destruction and must be taken from the claws of the corrupt regime,Wholesale Jerseys, Granger said.“You are working harder now for less money”, he told the sugar workers. “You are there; you know the suffering you are going through. Ramotar is one of the architects of the destruction, because he has been a director for 19 years”.He said that Ramotar has brought hardship and destruction on the sugar industry, “and he wants you to vote for him”.“No way,” the crowd shouted.“We will make you shareholders of the industry; we will make you the owners of the lands,Cheap Jerseys China, not give (the land) to friends and cronies. You will have the opportunity to produce on the lands and sell the products to the Sugar Industry and the Government; you will be your own masters.“You have been there long enough; you know what to do. We will guide and help you in whatever way possible, with expertise, finance and technical help. Time for slavery done, Massa day done”.Education will be a top priority in this APNU government. There will be no more school dropouts and street children.“We are going to provide free meals, transportation and uniforms, not give people $1,Cheap NFL Jerseys Authentic,500, what a shame. We will make sure children attend school .There will be no more school dropouts and street children, because the curriculum will be of such that children will want to go to school.“Guyana has one of the highest rates of street children and school dropouts in the hemisphere and this will change.Brig Granger also spoke about security and the drug trade. He stated ways and means in which an APNU-led Government will put systems in place to address those sore areas.Raising his hands and showing a clean Palm he called on the people to vote for the APNU movement and move the PPP out of the way.Youth leaders Corwin Crawford and Jevaughn Stephens also plugged away at the plans for the movement in the areas of Youth, Sports and Culture and education.The meeting was chaired by former Member of Parliament Edith Bynoe.

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