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Cheap Jerseys Wholesale and President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce









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Members of the Board of the Trinidad and Tobago-based Project Management Institute Southern Caribbean Chapter (PMI SCC) arrived in Guyana on Friday, and from then to yesterday, promoted the inauguration of the PMI SCC Guyana Committee and Project Management Conference.While here, they held a press briefing at the Le Meridien Pegasus, and meetings with the Ministries of Labour and Finance, and the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce.At the press briefing, President of PMI SCC,Cheap Jerseys From China, Michael Charles, said that the organisation represents over 500 members in the Southern Caribbean, Guyana and Suriname.It is a non-profit voluntary organization, whose objectives are the promotion, improvement and professionalisation of project management in the region.According to Charles, PMISCC is part of the umbrella organization — the Project Management Institute based in Pennsylvania, USA, which has more than 265,000 members worldwide.He noted that the organization functions on chapters throughout the world, and PMISCC is one such chapter.This visit was intended to pave the way for the inauguration of the Guyana Committee of PMISCC.This event is scheduled for October 31. The body will also host its first international project management conference in Guyana at the Le Meriden Pegasus.On that occasion,China Jerseys Wholesale, there will be five technical presentations — four from presenters from within the region and one from Guyana.On Friday, the board members met with the Minister of Labour, Manzoor Nadir, Members of the Ministry of Finance, and President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce, Chandradat Chintamani.According to Charles, the board members had a very positive reception from all three parties, who pledged to assist in promoting the events billed for October 31.“We see this as an exciting development. We consider around the region, and especially in the public sector, the millions of dollars in projects that are in place. We realize that the failure to deliver projects on schedule and on budget can cost countries millions of dollars.”He noted that the PMISCC are about promoting project management — that means delivering the projects according to the expectations of the stakeholders.Good project management, Charles contended, is about ensuring established processes are followed and that the projects are delivered on time,Cheap Jerseys From China, on budget, and according to the expectations of the stakeholders. “We focus on good leadership, good sound planning and execution of the projects.”RESPONSIBILITYCharles pointed out,Wholesale Jerseys China, also, that after the inauguration, the Guyana committee has a very big responsibility and a lot of work to do.He added that in Guyana there are already 17 certified project management professionals who have passed the very difficult examination.However, in order to maintain their certification, they have to stay abreast with the current trends and best practices in project management. That way, their education does not remain static, Charles added.Therefore, he pointed out, the Guyana committee has to develop and ensure that there are training programmes and technical sessions in place where the membership in Guyana can attend and gain PDU’s.The committee has to look into voluntary projects, such as outreach programmes, through which they will assist needy communities in planning and execution of their projects that focus on developing the infrastructure and/or the added value to those communities.The Project Management Institute Southern Caribbean Chapter (PMISCC) is the leading non-profit advocacy organization and professional network for the project management profession in the Caribbean region, with more than 500 professional members in 13 nations representing a range of industries.And with almost one-half of the membership being PMI Credentialled, that is, being the holders of the Project Management Professional (PMP) Certification, Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) or Program Management Professional (PgMP),Cheap Jerseys China,PMI sets professional standards, conducts research, provides access to information and resources,Jerseys China Wholesale, and empowers practitioners to become catalysts for organizational transformation.This prestigious milestone event for Project Management in Guyana is being advertised globally through the PMI Global Operations to over 171 countries.

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