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cheap jerseys online biomass and hydro.Patterson said









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Government Ministers and parliamentarians continue to debate in support of the 2017 budget byMinister of Public Infrastructure, David Pattersonhighlighting and justifying some of the new changes that will be facilitated. Joining the debate on Thursday was Minister of Public Infrastructure David Patterson.According to Patterson in his presentation, Guyana Power and Light Inc.,Wholesale Jerseys Outlet, which considers itself to a be a major stakeholder in achieving the vision of the Government’s green economy, will establish a Grid Code for utility scaled generation above 1.5 megawatts.This is one of the preparatory steps to be undertaken by the power company to enable the introduction of renewable energy from intermittent sources, which include wind and solar and non-intermittent sources,Wholesale Jerseys, biomass and hydro.Patterson said, “The Grid Code provides technical specifications, which defines the parameters that any generation facility connected to GPL’s network must meet to ensure safe, secure and economic proper functioning of the GPL system.”He informed the House that the Grid Code was developed by international and reputable electrical services consulting firm, Siemens,Jerseys NFL Cheap, and the document which the firm produced will be made public before 2016 comes to an end.In addition, Patterson said that GPL benefited from the services of a Renewable Energy Expert who was contracted through the Inter-American Development Bank Technical Assistance Programme. He said that this engagement with the power company will enable it to establish the technical parameters for the interconnection of distributed generation not exceeding 1.5 megawatts to the GPL grid.Also, GPL will be able to configure the company’s base load and firm generation to ensure grid stability in the event of loss in generation from the intermittent renewable resources and develop ‘Feed in Tariffs’ (FITs) for energy supplied to the grid. He said that these tariffs will require approval by the regulatory body,Wholesale Jerseys From China, the Public Utilities Commission.Patterson said that in Anna Regina, the company has invested approximately US$3M for three 1.7 megawatt HFO-fired containerized generators, and expects these to be commissioned in May 2017. These new generators are expected to replace two aged Wartsila units.“The new units will also be incorporated into the planned Hybrid Power facility. The Hybrid Power facility is expected to utilize fossil fired generation and electricity from a utility scaled five megawatt renewable resource, solar energy.”He said that in Bartica,Cheap MLB Jerseys, the container has invested approximately US$1.3M to procure,Cheap NFL Jerseys, commission and conduct preliminary works for three 0.6 megawatt LFO diesel-fired containerized generators and expects that these will be commissioned in April 2017.Patterson informed the House that these generators will replace the aged generation and will be integrated into a new Hybrid Power facility.“The Hybrid Power facility is expected to utilize fossil fuel fired generation and electricity from a utility scaled two megawatt renewable resource, solar energy.” He added that a new location has been identified to house the GPL operations and works are expected to commence shortly.The company, according to the Minister, also plans to expand substations at Vreed-en-Hoop, Edinburgh, Kingston, Sophia, Garden of Eden and No. 53 village on the East Bank of Berbice. He said that these projects will be self-funded, while the company continues its prudent financial management in order to maintain current tariffs.

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