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發表於 2017-9-12 11:16:30 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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–    50 months imprisonment followsYesterday at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court,China Jerseys, Magistrate Judy Latchman affirmatively reminded Shawn Wilson of the commandment “Thou shall not steal.”The 32 year old defendant who claimed he resides at 12 Sandy Babb Street,NFL Jerseys Supply, Kitty,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, was brought before the court to answer to three charges of break and enter and larceny.According to court documents, on April at Sandy Babb Street, Wilson stole from a butcher shop,Cheap MLB Jerseys China, 24 tins of sausages, 12 bottles of Aloe drink, 20 boxes of Soya milk,Wholesale Stitched Jerseys, 16 bottles of olive oil, 160 lbs of beef and other condiments valued at $416,120, property of Roy Gittens.It was also alleged that sometime between April 30 and May 1,Cheap NFL Jerseys, the defendant broke and entered the butcher shop of Gittens, and therein stole one car jack, one electric saw, one Nokia cell phone, 8 bottles of vegetable oil and $10,000 all totaling $51,840.To both charges,Wholesale China Jerseys Free Shpping, the defendant pleaded not guilty.For the two charges, the prosecution objected to bail due to the prevalence of the offence and the amount involved. Added to that, the defendant never gave the police the address he submitted to the court. Wilson was remanded for the two charges and will return to court on May 15 for the commencement of that matter.However, on a separate charge, it was alleged that on May 2, the defendant stole two drill bits from the home of Ganga Kishna in Kitty. To this charge, he pleaded guilty.The prosecution revealed to the court that on the said date at about 16:00 hours, the complainant’s family friend was at home and heard a strange noise. He then looked through a window and noticed the defendant heading over the fence. He was then held by the said family friend and taken to the police station where the drill bits were lodged. Wilson was then charged.The defendant told the court “but yuh worship, dem ting wha he talking bout is old ting. I went to the gate and I call for them and no one answer so I decide to go and tek it… but they de tell me I could tek it. So me aint know wuh they talking bout. Dem ting is old ting.”It was here that Magistrate Latchman said “What you did was wrong. You are sentenced to 50 months imprisonment. Thou shall not steal.  Brand new or old, it isn’t yours.”

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