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發表於 2017-9-13 07:19:17 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– anticipates sustained behavioural change“We cannot legislate for all the changes we want,” was the assertion of Chairman of the National Commission for the Family, Dr Kwame Gilbert, as he delivered remarks at the launch of a parenting workshop initiative on Wednesday.According to Dr Gilbert, over the years several pieces of legislation were in fact taken to the Parliament in an attempt to address issues of removing vulnerable groups – women and children – from situations of violence and mitigating that vulnerability.However, although it is the view of the Family Commission Chairman that legislation cannot cater to all the required changes such as the need for behavioural changes, he did note that “you canChairman Dr. Kwame Gilbert (standing at extreme right) along with other members of the Family Commission, the facilitators of the workshops.regulate behaviour.”He added that it is this regulatory element that the Commission is hoping to realise through its parenting initiative.Dr Gilbert is confident that through education, persons will be encouraged to behave differently, even as he stated that “if you know better, you will do better and that is where education comes in.”Already the Commission has spearheaded one such workshop at Number 48 Village, Berbice, which, according to the Chairman, will see a number of parents, having been educated on their parenting roles, graduating with additional skills in a matter of days.Moreover, Wednesday’s parenting workshop launch, at the Human Services Ministry’s Cornhill Street, Georgetown location, was intended to initiate additional workshops which will be held at locations ranging from Ithaca, Berbice to Mainstay, Essequibo Coast, Grove, East Bank Demerara and Georgetown.Although the workshops will be facilitated by aptly qualified individuals attached to the Mothers’ Union Worldwide Parenting programme, Dr Gilbert disclosed that it is expected that there will be collaboration with the Guyana Police Force and the Guyana Defence Force.“They have a role to play in producing that kind of behavioural change that we are anticipating with respect to the functioning of males in the role of parenting. We believe those entities will be key and will be involved in the Georgetown parenting workshops.”It is the vision of the Commission, Dr Gilbert said, that as moves are made to educate members of the family, starting with the parenting aspect, that the outcome will be the realisation of sustainable behavioural changes. He pointed to the fact that the foundation of any stable society starts with the family, since it is the family that provides the resources for all other social institutions.“If the family is dysfunctional we are going to have dysfunctional behaviour in other social institutions but if the family is strengthened and healed, we can see a lot of the deviant behaviour we see in other institutions corrected.”The National Commission of the Family was relaunched in December of last year following its appointment by Cabinet on July 1, 2012. But although the life of the Commission is slated to span one year, Dr Gilbert is confident that the programmes engaged will set a platform for its continuance.According to him, the initiatives that have been introduced had emanated from a national work programme that was crafted by the Commission, premised on a need to address issues specific to the family and family health in Guyana.“We all are aware of the challenges that families encounter and also the recent continuing and escalating incidences of violence in our nation which have been affecting families. I would say also it has been affecting vulnerable members of the family,NFL Jerseys China, because as you know, women and children are considered to be in the vulnerable groups in society,” Dr Gilbert said.As such, he noted that the Commission has sought to embrace education as a very vital part of producing and sustaining behavioural changes.Wednesday’s launch also saw Commissioners Ms. Sheran Harper and Ms. Yvonne Stephenson offering an overview of the workshop initiative and the presentation of facilitation material.The launch coincided with International Day of the Family, which was observed worldwide under the theme, “advancing social integration and intergenerational solidarity’.  International Day of the Family was introduced in 1993 through a United Nations resolution.

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