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Cheap NFL Jerseys will be mere employees of AHI









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發表於 2017-9-13 13:27:45 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The government in general and Winston Brassington through Atlantic Hotels Inc,Cheap Jeseys NFL, in a press statement to refute a news report published on October 24, last, in Kaieteur News,Wholesale Jerseys, has said that Atlantic Hotel Inc. (AHI) will own both the Hotel and the Entertainment Complex and all investment, income, and expenditure will be in the name of AHI.Winston BrassingtonThe statement accused Kaieteur News seeking to “distort and pander to special interests of the Opposition.” It also accused the political opposition of being intellectually dishonest. It saw the media report as nothing but “another attempt by the opposition and their media associates, to cater to special interest groups of the opposition, interested in distorting the facts.”Kaieteur News had published the reports under the headline ‘Brassington seeks to outsource Casino, Restaurant and Nightclub’ on October 24, last, and ‘Separation of Casino, Nightclub, Restaurant and Marriott Hotel—a financial scheme to steal Guyana money—APNU’.Issued under the hand of the Guyana Government, Atlantic Hotels Inc. and National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL), the statement reiterated that Atlantic Hotels Inc. will own both hotel and the Entertainment Complex.The statement contended, “Government/NICIL and AHI have consistently said that the Entertainment Complex will be separately operated.  However, Atlantic Hotel Inc. (AHI) will own both the Hotel and the Entertainment Complex and all investment, income, and expenditure will be in the name of AHI.”The statement, however, contended that the government, in Parliament, stated that “…outfitting costs for the Entertainment Complex estimated at US$4 M … is expected to be funded by the operators (casino, nightclub, and restaurant) once these operators are selected via an RFP to be issued.”An analyst said that this is a contradiction and an attempt at a clever use of words. “Is the government saying that the ‘the operators’ although investing some US$4 million, will be mere employees of AHI? Is the money coming out of AHI coffers with the operators fronting for AHI?”If indeed the investor is putting in US$4 million into the AHI project as an investment, what will be the rate of return?The government then offers a contradictory description of the people who would operate the casino nightclub and restaurant.“Operators are simply persons who will take responsibility for the management of these individual units, on behalf of AHI.  Operators may be international, regional or local brands,Wholesale Jerseys Authentic, and will be selected via a competitive process, as stated in recent public advertisements.”Yet these are the very people who the government says, in another breath, will fund the operations of the casino, restaurant and nightclub.“The truth lies somewhere,Cheap Jerseys From China,” said Khemraj Ramjattan. “The government has confused itself and is now seeking to confuse the nation,” he added.The parliamentarian said that “Government has been caught in its own deception.” He pointed to the NICIL/AHI statement which said that there was “no announcement” on the Entertainment complex. Then two years later, the government quietly placed an advertisement in the state-controlled Guyana Chronicle inviting the operators by way of a ‘Request for Proposal’ to “oversee and guide outfitting of the three components of the Entertainment Complex.”“No announcement was made on the Entertainment Complex –the selection of the operators for the Entertainment complex was deferred until the construction design, construction and project financing,Wholesale Jerseys China, was sufficiently advanced,” the government statement added.The aim, Ramjattan said, was to quietly divest the money-spinning section of the facility from the hotel. This deal has been exposed and now there are contradictory statements.“Kaieteur News has become one of the major instruments of the opposition in seeking to attack investors and damage our investment climate,” NICIL and the government stated.But Publisher Glenn Lall said that such an attack is “utter nonsense” and “a choice of words intended to fool the Guyanese public.”“Investors will only be influenced by a newspaper if they have reservations about the government and the country in the first instance. The government destroys the investment climate in Guyana by its lack of transparency, deliberate attempts at concealing private deals and failing to address the issue of corruption,” he added.“NICIL/AHI has no moral ground to stand on. It cannot produce its own accounts and therefore is unable to account for the funds it controls. Zero accountability by NICIL is a dangerous message to any investor who is required to invest US$4 million, unless of course,Cheap NFL Jerseys, there is more to it than meets the eye,” Lall concluded.

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