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Authentic NFL Jerseys Cheap Minister of State of the Ministry of the Presidency









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發表於 2017-9-13 17:56:54 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Minister of State of the Ministry of the Presidency, Mr. Joseph Harmon,Wholesale Jerseys Outlet, at a press briefing on Friday at his office,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, conveyed optimism regarding the ‘settling in and transitioning’ of the new David Granger-led Administration.Minister of State Joseph HarmonThe Minister recapped that post-Independence Guyana has only had two governments and therefore ‘shifting’ from one administration to another is not a common practice, “but so far it has been relatively smooth.”He explained that everything is being done with vigilance so that “there will be no ‘starts and stops’ even though there may be a few hiccups.”The former soldier, as is his wont to be disciplined and concise, spelled out clearly that “difficulties anticipated and realised will be dealt with by the transition team,” established by both the previous and present administration.Minister Harmon was emphatic that whatever has to be done will be done ‘democratically’ just as the Coalition was “democratically placed to oversee the affairs of the state.”He added that the new administration has already had its first full Cabinet and Defence Board meetings and the various structures in place are almost fully at work.AuditsMr. Harmon also said that Cabinet has approved audits for over 30 state entities,Cheap China Jerseys, and that the new Minister of Finance is ensuring that monies assigned to the Consolidated Funds are indeed going there.He pressed home the point that missing state assets must be recovered “where ever these are, whether here or overseas, and that to this end, there is likely to be established a State Asset Recovering Unit,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, tasked with this responsibility. This unit will in all likelihood be multi-agency and will be aided by overseas entities so that the recovery process will be efficient.In terms of actual value, the Minister explained that Professor Clive Thomas estimated the amount “siphoned off” to be almost $300 billion per year, a figure that at least one international agency has topped, giving it as $500 billion.The Minister explained also that when it comes to the actual regaining of State assets, the unit in charge will be independent, but with broad powers. This unit will then make recommendations based on findings, after which all will be presented to the ruling administration for examination and action if necessary.New EnergyThe Minister stated that “new ministers, with their new ministries, are taking up their responsibilities and that very soon all will be in full swing.” He referred to the fact that the “public is feeling a new energy,” based on the new faces, ideas and spirit of the A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance for Change merger (APNU +AFC Coalition).Mr. Harmon explained that the coalition brought together “a sufficiency of manpower and skills necessary to take Guyana forward and to iron out any lingering difficulty of the previous administration.”He expressly made reference to the coalition’s reservoir of “will,Cheap Wholesale Jerseys, experience and enthusiasm that were brought to it.”He also highlighted that many Guyanese, here and overseas, are so imbued that they have offered “skilful and voluntary service” in the event they cannot be employed in official capacities. The Minister said that his desk is inundated with impressive CVs, but “all of this will take some time to sort out.”This is because currently as the ‘transitioning’ is unfolding,NFL Jerseys China, the new administration has to deal with ‘those who were and are still on the ‘gravy train’ and not doing ‘proper work’ but just being there to do ‘a party job’ and getting paid (wrongfully) for so doing.”The Minister further stated that the expectation is that there will be a better work culture and ethic, as “only those who are actually doing government’s work will be viewed legitimately,” since the ‘gravy train’ has now come to a halt.Accountability and responsibilityQuizzed on ‘irregularities and mal-practices’ unearthed thus far during the ‘transitioning’ period, Minister Harmon detailed that those who were exposed “did not result from any form of witch-hunting, as in any state, officers must be accountable and responsible.” He expressed the view that where mal-practices are concerned, that “anything and anyone inimical to the State must be looked at and they have been put on notice.”

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