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Cheap Jerseys Store Jermaine ‘Skinny’ Charles









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發表於 2017-9-15 02:37:34 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The sergeant in charge of the Sparendaam Police Station from where notorious criminal, Jermaine ‘Skinny’ Charles, escaped has been transferred to Police Headquarters, Eve Leary.Kaieteur News understands that the sergeant has been posted to the Force Control Department as of yesterday,NFL Jerseys From China, even as the police continue their investigation into the escape of the multiple-murder accused,Cheap NFL jerseys China, for whom a $2M reward has been issued.Charles managed to secure his freedom,wholesale nfl jerseys china, allegedly by lifting two pieces of boards from the floor of the lock-ups and fleeing the compound despite the presence of a number of persons attending court at Sparendaam.A senior police officer told this newspaper that the transfer of the Sergeant is just part of the initial action taken against those who may be responsible for the prisoner’s escape.The source said that there are likely to be further disciplinary measures against other police officers stationed there.Acting Police Commissioner Henry Greene told a press conference last week that an Assistant Superintendent was supervising activity in the station compound while the station sergeant and a corporal were in the barrack room preparing for an inspection by the commissioner.Greene explained that the board in the lock-ups had been loose about a month ago and this was reported to the sergeant who reportedly took no action to remedy the situation.“It would appear that inspectors in charge of the escorts paid no attention to the high-profile prisoners in the lock-ups,Wholesale NFL Jerseys,” the top cop had told the media.Another senior official said that it is unlikely that ranks will face criminal charges, since there is so far no evidence that points to collusion in Charles’s escape.Minister of Home Affairs Clement Rohee described Charles’s escape as unforgivable and inexcusable and added that those guilty will have to face the music one way or another“The reality is that we have on our hands a high-profile criminal gang member on the loose.  At this point in time there is no need to enter into a blame game. No red herring, whatever the shape,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, form or fashion is acceptable to the Administration,NFL Jerseys Cheap,” Rohee told a press conference on Tuesday.

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