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[PS3] Cheap NFL Jerseys China up34xgxm









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發表於 2017-9-15 05:17:51 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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“For the past two weeks they (Prison Officers) are giving we sheer slush to eat. Imagine the whole jail eating cook-up that is like pig food and food without meat. And who don’t want that to eat getting a pack of tasty-snack which was donated to the jail by some organisation,” an irate prisoner related.According to various inmates, who wanted to remain anonymous for fear of victimisation, yesterday was another day they ate what they described as ‘pig food’. “Can you imagine they just boil up rice with Callaloo; no taste! No meat! And we have no rights to talk about this”?He added that there is heavy smuggling within the prison walls at Lot 12 Camp Street Georgetown. “And this is not the prisoners alone. You know, this is the officers too. They are the biggest criminals.”The frustrated inmates disclosed that on many occasions officers would pack buckets with food supplies. These are strategically placed in the truck that disposes of garbage through the rear gate of the prison.  “The kitchen orderlies are also being used to smuggle food stuff and other things through the front gate of the prison.”He added that the driver of the truck would cooperate with the officers and deliver these items to a safe spot or to the officers’ residences. However, on many occasions inmates would notice the actions of these officers and would be afraid to “skin dem up” for fear of victimisation “because is from top to bottom involved in this thing. Nobody can complain on an officer since they are all doing the same thing.”Another issue highlighted was the meals and other supplies for death row inmates. The prisoners said that Death Row inmates would only receive their stipulated dishes or diets if the prison is being visited by an official. “If not the officers would eat these meals and the condemned prisoners are given what is being cooked for the rest of the prison; more slush!..They want us to riot, then they will catch themselves”.  It was also revealed that the medical supplies that are stored in the prison’s infirmary are also being smuggled out of the prison by officers.At present there are 33 inmates on Death Row, while the prison population is bursting at the seams. The ratio at the main penal institution in the city stands at a whopping 26 to one in terms of inmates to prison warders; two out of every five prisoners are on remand.As the prison population soared over the years, partly because of the magistrates’ tendencies to sentence more minor offenders to prison terms and to overindulge in the practice of remand, there has not been a proportionate improvement in the Prison Service’s infrastructure or an appropriate increase in its personnel.Some of the other complaints are about the day-to-day realities of prison life such as congested cells; filthy mattresses; intimidation by staff; poor health care and personal hygiene and lack of training,Cheap NFL Jerseys China Stitched, recreation and constructive activity.Other perennial problems – rotting infrastructure; delays in court procedures which result in large numbers of pre-trial or remand prisoners being held for long periods awaiting trial and shortage of supervisory staff which results in prisoners being locked down for excessive periods, which adds ups to riots within the penal institution.History has shown that situations where inmates become frustrated over the basic supplies especially meals; prison authorities have been faced with mini-riots and threats of unrest.Earlier this year, the Minister of Home Affairs received a report compiled following an inquiry into allegations of mismanagement, use of narcotics and pilfering by officers at one of the five maximum security incarceration facilities in the country. And the findings show there has been some wrongdoing.It was also disclosed that several measures were to be taken against those involved in misconduct, including disciplinary action.When this newspaper tried to contact the Director of Prison’s for a comment, an official at the prison headquarters disclosed that he was in a meeting.

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