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發表於 2017-9-16 21:03:06 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Zena HenryWild meat in Guyana is arguably for some, a perennial delicacy, and the demand forThe tapir (left) and white-lipped peccary are said to be popular pepperpot meatsforest-based animals that provide it, is steadily increasing. In fact, several small shops and hunting groups continue to surface to meet rising demands. This however, is increasing the vulnerability of the animals and with the upcoming Christmas season, the demand for wild/bush meat is expected to rise further. This, conservationists say, is adding to the difficulty that is experienced in protecting the nation’s wildlife resources.Conservationist Annette Arjoon-Martins explained to this publication that the ‘bushmeat’ trade is threatening the survival of several species in Guyana, including white-lip peccaries and tapirs.She said that strategies such as the National Wildlife Regulations enable programmes to address these and other relevant wildlife issues, and in some protected areas such as the Iwokrama Reserve and the Shell Beach Protected Area, ongoing anti-poaching checks have already yielded results.Such strategies, Arjoon-Martins pointed out, will be complemented by a national education and awareness effort focused on forestry and mining concessionaires,Cheap Jerseys From China, hunters and consumers.Arjoon-Martins had told this newspaper last week that stakeholders in the wildlife protection arena are increasing public awareness programmes to highlight the existence of the Wildlife Management and Conservation regulations that environmental advocates are working on to address the issues facing the protection of the country’s wildlife.One mechanism, she had noted, is ensuring public awareness,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, since several wild animals that are given ‘protected’ status are still very much at risk in their habitats.It was asserted that many of those who operate or conduct business in the interior can be very significant in the protection of wildlife. Arjoon-Martins said that “forestry and mining concessionaires can play a major role by discontinuing their consumption of species that are threatened,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, such as tapir and white-lip peccaries, by placement of no-hunting signs in their concessions, and by restricting access to their roadways.”The tapir is a large herbivorous mammal, with a similar shape to a pig, and is one of the country’s most consumed wild meats; most preferred by locals, especially in the preparation of the indigenous pepperpot dish.  The white-lipped peccary is a hog-like animal indigenous to Central and South America and is also hunted for consumption.Arjoon-Martins mentioned however that it is becoming most apparent that consumption of these animals by the public has increased due to “the growing numbers of shops that sell wild meat as well as the number of restaurants that specialize in it.”The wildlife advocate believes that awareness and education campaigns will seek to bring about change by educating the consumers on vulnerable species that should not be consumed, and that one of the most threatened species is the tapir, Arjoon-Martins reiterated.“Tapirs are a forest-dependent species that are very vulnerable to damages done to their habitat by the extractive industries which open roads to enable access to such resources. As tapirs love to feed on the young congo pump which quickly proliferates such areas which are cleared, this makes them easy prey.”Additionally,Jerseys NFL China, as one of their vocalizations is a whistle,Cheap Jerseys, they are easily entrapped by hunters who imitate same to attract them, Arjoon-Martins explained.She said what is most challenging to the tapirs’ survival is the fact that they are more ecologically prone to be impacted by hunting due to their long gestation period (13 months) and generational time. “As their reproduction rate is very slow, their populations are under greatest threat by sustained hunting, making recovery of their populations extremely challenging.”Arjoon-Martins in an earlier report on the protection of wild animals had noted that the demand for local bushmeat will influence hunting activities, but requested that hunters ensure that demand does not conflict with the established closed seasons when hunting is not permitted.She had stated that, from time to time, conflicts between humans and wildlife arise and such scenarios should be shared with the EPA whenever possible, so that a solution could be found that may not necessarily require the killing of wildlife deemed to be causing irritation.“Help to educate others about Guyana’s wildlife and emphasize the importance of protecting and conserving them for future generations,” is a theme driven by the wildlife advocates. They say some of the country’s protected animals include the Giant Armadillo, Puma,Cheap Jerseys From China, Giant River Otter, Red Siskin, Arapaima and the Leatherback Turtle.Arjoon-Martins had pointed out too that Guyana’s healthy wildlife population is a major tourist attraction that has seen many visitors returning from the Iwokrama Reserve to boast of seeing a jaguar,Cheap NFL Jerseys, the country’s national animal, and which is also one on the country’s protected species list.It was mentioned that the relative inaccessibility to the natural wildlife habitat offered much protection in the past which allowed thriving wildlife populations, “…however, this is slowly changing as Guyana pursues its economic development with the mining and forestry sectors, both of which require access to natural resources,” she stated.It was opined that the construction of access roads has enabled the easy movement of hunters – some of whom operate full-time in the provision of fresh meat. Arjoon-Martins believes that the growth of the wild meat market has caused grave concerns in relation to the preservation of the country’s wildlife.She urged that for Christmas and beyond, wild meat lovers consider the harm being posed to endangered and protected animals.“Guyanese do your part this Christmas and beyond. Please use beef for your pepperpot and help us to keep our tapir populations healthy!” Arjoon-Martins pleaded.

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