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[PS3] Wholesale NFL Jerseys Police on the East Bank of Demerara









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發表於 2017-9-16 23:44:27 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Police on the East Bank of Demerara,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys, moving quickly, intercepted a motorcar which they claimed had transported bandits to and from a robbery at the Prairie International Hotel yesterday.The car was held at Providence but only the driver was in the vehicle at the time. Police believe that the other bandits escaped from the vehicle shortly before it was intercepted.The driver is in custody and according to reports, he is cooperating with investigators.**************************Armed youth gang robs Kitty familySeven youths robbed a family of four early last night at their home in Kitty.Craig Moonsammy, who lives with his wife Jennifer and their two children, was taken to the Georgetown Hospital last night after his ordeal.A source close to the family said that around 19:00 hrs,Wholesale Jerseys From China, seven young males forced their way into the family’s home at lot 5 Vlissengen Road.They forced the family to lie down on the floor and hit Mr. Moonsammy several times about the head as they searched the home for money and jewllery.They made good their escape after taking a laptop,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, several cell phones,Cheap Jerseys, jewellery and a small amount of cash.According to the source,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, the thieves were all in their late teens or early twenties; they were well dressed and armed with at least four handguns.This newspaper was made to understand that the family reported the matter to the police and up to press time no one had been arrested.**************************Wheel clamps for errant drivers A wheel clampErrant drivers who continue to park their vehicles in an obstructive manner will now have to look out for the new innovation by the police. With effect last evening the Guyana Police Force commenced employing the use of wheel clamps as part of its enforcement against motor vehicles that are badly parked, left in dangerous positions or fail to conform to road signs.A statement from Police Headquarters,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Eve Leary, said that in cases where the owners/drivers cannot be located, the vehicles will be towed away to the nearest Police Station where contact can be made with the police.Motorists are advised that they will have a difficulty in removing their vehicles if the police are not there to remove the wheel clamps.

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