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A Partnership for National UnityThe message of the Gospel of St. Luke in the Holy Bible – … on earth,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, peace, good will to all men – is as valid today as it was two millennia ago. Jesus Christ’s earthly mission changed the course of human history. His ministry of mercy and compassion continues to change our lives every day.Jesus Christ’s message makes Christmas a special, sacred season. The celebration of His miraculous birth is an annual reminder of the fulfilment of the prophecy of Isaiah of His advent and incarnation as the “Prince of peace.”Guyanese of all religions have also been inspired by promises and prophecies of peace and encouraged by the season’s sense of social responsibility. Ordinary people and social organisations have been reaching out with compassion to cheer and care for their brothers and sisters in need.We recognise the service of our public servants,Cheap Jerseys From China, soldiers, nurses and other workers who maintain our public services so that others could be safe and comfortable at this time. We remember the plight of the aged, our children, the poor and other vulnerable citizens.Christmas is a time to rejoice in Jesus Christ’s marvelous message to all mankind.  It is a season to rekindle the Guyanese spirit of goodwill and to be grateful for the service and sacrifice of others.  We join others to make Christmas this year a day of “peace and good will.”Happy Christmas to all Guyanese!***Alliance For ChangeAt this glorious celebration of Christmas, the Alliance For Change extends to all Guyanese “joy and peace “during this special holiday season.Christmas is the season of giving and sharing, when we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ – the Prince of Peace. Born into humility and reverence, Jesus rose to inspire and lead a people. Through his teachings there began a change that gave hope to those who believed. Today his birth serves as an inspiration to us all …to banish the evil around us, to embrace change,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, to improve our lives, and that of others.Christmas is also a time when Guyanese from all walks of life and from different parts of the world come home to celebrate together and to share as one.It is the season of peace and goodwill towards all men and at this time, the Alliance for Change hopes that this might also be a time of quiet reflection, in which we promise to put aside our petty differences for the greater good of all Guyanese.As we sit with our families and friends we give thanks, remembering that as one united Guyana all great things are possible.The Alliance for Change wishes you a Merry Christmas and may God continue to bless you and yours. Happy Christmas.***Guyana Trades Union CongressThe Guyana Trades Union Congress wishes every Guyanese compliments of the Christmas Season. During this period the Congress urges all, to spend some time from the customary merrymaking, shopping and decorating, to reflect on the meaning of the season and solemnly commit to practice its belief.The greatest significance of this period lies in the hope and promise of a new way and direction. It marked a second chance for Christian believers. Over the years this spirit of Christ, the forgiveness and love of God has consumed believers and laid the foundation for many in society.We see this season as an opportunity for love and unity, an opportunity for forgiveness as we look for hope in a brighter future that all can enjoy.Customarily this period is celebrated with worship by believers and merriment and rejoicing by others, lots to eat and drink. GTUC remembers those among us who have abundantly and who share abundantly. We remember those who have abundantly and continue to take from those who do not have and we call on them to be their brothers’ keeper. To remember the less fortunate among us and share.GTUC respects and upholds the right of trade unions to embrace a federation of their choice but reminds all that unity is not merely premised on sharing physical space or organisation. We must as a diverse group unite on principles, human rights and the rule of law.Labour advocates, workers and their families are called on to keep these goals in mind as they enjoy the festive season.Merry Christmas to all of Guyana from the GTUC.***Indian Arrival CommitteeThe Indian Arrival Committee (IAC) wishes to extend Season Greetings to all Guyanese during this period which will see a number of national holidays including Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Years Day.The IAC recognizes that Christmas Day is a very important day for those who are adherents of Christianity, the religious faith in which Jesus Christ, who is also revered as the Prophet Isa by adherents of Islam and Shri Yisu Bhagwan by followers of Sanatan Dharm, is regarded as the son of the God, known as Jehovah.The IAC understands that Boxing Day and New Year’s Day are secular holidays that have their origins in early European’s traditions, but nevertheless, also recognizes that these holidays whether religions or secular are celebrated by all Guyanese, regardless of all religious faith, ethnicities and classes.The IAC calls upon all Guyanese, during this season which is characterized by all sorts of merriment, to be moderate in these, since this season is historically marked by high levels of alcohol consumption and incidents of indiscipline.The IAC therefore urges all Guyanese during this joyful holiday season to observe cautions while they enjoy themselves.***Inter Religious OrganizationThe members of the Inter Religious Organization of Guyana (IRO) would like to extend best wishes to the nation at this Christmas and Kwanzaa season.  As families gather over this holiday season, we pray that God’s blessings of protection,Wholesale China Jerseys, prosperity and peace will engulf their every activity.Just as Guyana is a land of many harmonious races, it is also a land of many harmonious religions; and nowhere is that integrated religious tolerance more vividly displayed than within the Inter Religious Organization of Guyana.  The members of the IRO work to foster and maintain the peace and religious tolerance that is obtained in Guyana.  It is our desire to follow God’s guidance and to do our part in strengthening the inter religious cohesion among all Guyanese.So as you pause to reflect on the reason for this season – Christ and brotherly fellowship,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, make a personal pledge to do your part in working towards the peace, harmony and development of this our beautiful land of Guyana.  Season’s greetings from the executive and members of the Inter Religious Organization of Guyana.***Mayor Hamilton GreenOn behalf of my wife Jennifer, family, Councillors, staff and citizens of our CapitalCity,Cheap MLS Jerseys, I extend joyous greetings to one and all – A happy Peaceful Christmas.As we share the excitement of a typical Guyanese Holiday, let us pause toremember our less fortunate brothers and sisters, but also to think about thesignificance of the birth of Jesus who was born in Roman imperial-dominatedPalestine, under a puppet Jewish administration.Today in Guyana it is prudent for Christians and other religious persons to understand that perhaps the most important lessons for us are to be found in his statements made in the Sermon on the Mount – These represent the crystallization of Christian teachings – but more than that it gives guidance beyond the boundaries of Christianity.Jesus the Christ’s admonition informs us about the basic ethical and moralprinciples related to how we as a people, irrespective of race, colour or creed,should treat one another.The Blessings or Beatitudes, the Lords’ Prayer is by every measure, the source of good solid guidance for us to follow.At this time of the year let us therefore spend some time to absorb that wisdom,so very necessary for a Nation that seems to be imprisoned by Seven Sins of:1.     Arrogance2.     Corruption3.     Cronyism4.     Disregard for rules of the game5.     Dictatorship6.     Greed and;7.     InjusticeThis season of peace and goodwill to all should compel us to pray on Christmas day to overcome these sins for the New Year.  Happy Holidays and best wishes!

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