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[PS3] cheap jerseys the prosecutor informed the court that on the day in question









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發表於 2017-9-17 02:10:44 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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If Clinton Vigilance had only knew that kicking and cuffing the mother of his nine children would have landed him in a jail cell, maybe he would have walked away and left her arguing. However,Nike NFL Jerseys China, from all indications it appears that his temper got the better of him.His alleged cruel action landed him before a city court where he was charged with unlawful assault.Clinton Vigilance of 175 Seal Street,Cheap NFL Jerseys Online, Linden,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, is accused of unlawfully assaulting Juanita Boodhoo on Tuesday, August 4, at Mckenzie, Linden, so as to cause her actual bodily harm.Vigilance, 45, a carpenter,Cheap Sports Jerseys, denied the allegation after it was read to him by Magistrate Ann Mc Lennan at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts yesterday.The woman was not present when the matter was called during the court’s afternoon session.Police Prosecutor Corporal Deniro Jones informed the court that the defendant and the victim have nine children together. He said that they are not living together.In relating the facts of the matter, the prosecutor informed the court that on the day in question, the defendant went to the woman’s house and assaulted her during a misunderstanding.The court heard that the defendant kicked and cuffed Boodhoo several times about her body causing her to receive injuries.Boodhoo subsequently reported the matter to the police,Wholesale China NFL Jerseys, investigations were carried out, and the charge was instituted against the defendant.During the brief court hearing, the defendant had sought the Magistrate’s permission to give his side of the story. When it was granted,Wholesale Jerseys, he explained that he had approached his children’s mother over a concern he had with their 14-year-old daughter. He said that the mother would usually allow the young girl to stray about the community.Vigilance pointed out that he is worried about his daughter’s safety. He added that the argument escalated into a fight.It was then the Magistrate sternly told him “that does not give you the right to beat the woman”.However, he still pleaded with her to release him on reasonable bail because he has to support his children.But his cries went unanswered as he was subsequently remanded to prison until August 18.His next court appearance will be at the Linden Magistrate’s Court.

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