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發表於 2017-9-21 06:40:56 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Dale AndrewsWith a mere two months to go before the year comes to an end, senior ranks of the Guyana Police Force are holding their breaths with the hope that the Police Service Commission (PSC) will be properly constituted in order to facilitate their promotion.The absence of a fully-constituted PSC had hampered the effective running of the Force, especially when it comes to promotions and appeals from officers seeking redress, acting appointments and applications for cadetship.While the Commissioner of Police can effect promotions up to the rank of Sergeant, the Commission is responsible for the upward mobility of ranks from Inspector of Police to Assistant Commissioner.The last Commission was chaired by Dennis Morgan who subsequently died in November 2012 while serving in that capacity.The Police Service Commission, a five-man body, was rendered inactive following the death of Morgan.Kaieteur News understands that since the life of the present body is nearing its end, it will have to be reconstituted and a chairman chosen before any talk of promotions can be contemplated.Officers of the Guyana Police Force are worried that the situation that occurred in 1999 when there was no Police Service Commission (PSC), could visit them again.Besides promotions, the Police Officers are hoping that the 1999 situation, which resulted in no police promotions for three years, would not reoccur, especially since there appears to be no urgency on the part of the administration to deal with the issue.“For a year now there has been no movement and it is okay to assume that no work has been done since the Chairman died,” a senior officer of the Guyana Police Force said.This newspaper was told that whenever the subject comes up, senior officials at the Ministry of Home Affairs appear to be paying scant regard to the issue.For awhile two names were being bandied about to fill the position of Chairman of the Police Service Commission. One is a retired Deputy Commissioner of Police, who once served in a senior capacity at a government ministry, while there is talk that another retired Deputy Commissioner, who is presently serving in the Force, could get the nod.However, there appears to be a third person in the reckoning. He happens to be a well known business executive who is very active in community policing duties.Perhaps the most concerned about the non existence of the PSC are those officers who are nearing retirement. The concerns are that they will retire without receiving the promotion they would have benefited from had the Commission been in place.But of even greater concern is the stagnation of more than 40 cadet officers.In 2008, then President, Bharrat Jagdeo, challenged the Guyana Police Force to appoint 50 Cadet Officers over three years in a move that was intended to strengthen the officer corps of the organization. However, five years later, Cadets,Wholesale Stitched Jerseys, even from the first batch, are still waiting to be confirmed in the gazetted position of Assistant Superintendents.The reason being given for this apparent administrative hiccup is the lack of vacancies in the Assistant Superintendent bracket.Cadet Officers are ranks who have been earmarked to be gazetted officers of the Force. The rank is just above that of an Inspector. The Cadet Officers eventually become Assistant Superintendents upon successful completion of their Cadetship.Under what is being touted as the ‘Jagdeo Cadet Scheme’, the first batch of 15 police cadet officers graduated from the Basic Cadet Officer Training Programme in 2009. This group was followed by larger groups of Police Cadet Officers in the following years, up to the last batch of two in 2011.There were four batches in all that satisfied Jagdeo’s mandate for the Force. But according to a police administrative expert, there was no provision to accommodate the Cadet Officers into the gazetted police ranks.It was explained that the system could only accommodate a certain number of Assistant Superintendents and there is a preference for experienced Inspectors and Chief Inspectors to fill positions that become available from time to time.Jagdeo’s 2008 mandate to have 50 Police Cadet Officers appointed and trained, has placed the Force in the dilemma of also stagnating the elevation of some categories of ranks.“The Police, in their haste to satisfy Jagdeo’s mandate, fast tracked the Cadetship Programme without making the necessary provisions. Now these Cadets are languishing in their Cadet position for years,” the senior officer added.This newspaper was reliably informed that after two years as a Cadet Officer, once there is no blemish in their files, the officers are eligible for promotion to Assistant Superintendents.“We trained with people from the army and those guys have already been confirmed; some have even been promoted higher, while we are still Cadets,” one of the affected Cadet Officers stated.As a consequence of their stagnation, the Cadet Officers are being denied the benefits of their gazetted colleagues, including duty-free vehicles.A few weeks ago, President Donald Ramotar confirmed Leroy Brumell in the post of Commissioner of Police. This was after a period of acting in that capacity for over a year.

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