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發表於 2017-9-22 16:03:12 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Members of the Trafalgar/Union Community Development Council (CDC) based at Number 29 Village,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys Outlet, West Coast Berbice,NFL Jerseys China Cheap, are all set to take part in a grant-aided tilapia growing experiment which will enable them to identify the best feed for growing the fishes.The experiment is funded by the Institute of Private Enterprise Development (IPED) and the Inter American Development Bank (IDB). The location will be the CDC fish farm aback of the village.The fish are to be grown in cages constructed with funding from IPED and the IDB.Each cage will contain 50 fish and they are to be separated into three sets with each set being given a different feed.Field staffers of the two agencies will provide technical assistance to the villagers and help them to monitor the progress of the experiment and its results.The three feeds to be used include duckweed,cheap nfl jerseys, a local fish feed mix and a Brazilian-made feed mix which floats on the surface of the pond.The aim will be to identify the feed/feed mix which produces the heaviest fishes. The results will determine which feed they use in future projects.Spokesperson for the CDC,Cheap NFL jerseys China, Mrs Lloyda Angus,Cheap Jerseys, said that the Agencies were offering assistance to members under a project to promote Integrated Farming Systems.This includes using output from one element of the farm as input into another to save costs.The group is expected to grow the duckweed to be used in the experiment.Angus disclosed that the CDC’s fish farm was established six months ago and has harvested one set of fish to date.The group grows red tilapia and this experiment will be the second crop for members who are a part of National Aquaculture Association of Guyana (NAAG).Angus said that the CDC is grateful for the assistance being offered by the two agencies and is looking forward to the experiment which should start within a week.

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