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發表於 2017-9-26 02:14:18 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– attack two in one day What can the police do to stop the growing incidence of robberies committed on overseas-based Guyanese who are returning for a brief holiday in their homeland?It is as if the criminals are always outsmarting the law enforcement operatives who are sworn to protect and serve.And many who are victims of these attacks have vowed never to return to what they described as “these dreaded shores”.Take the case of Manta Luella, who arrived in Guyana on Saturday morning only to have her holiday spoiled by bandits who attacked her even before she was secure in her destination.Three men, two of whom were armed with handguns, relieved Luella, 20, of cash and other valuables, including her Canadian passport.The men also attacked the visitor’s family friend,Cheap Jerseys China, Daneshwar James, and relieved him of his valuables.The incident occurred around 02:55 on Saturday,wholesale nfl jerseys, outside 14 Delph Street,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, Campbellville.According to police reports, Luella arrived at CJIA from Canada around 01:15 hours. Her family friend Daneshwar James went to collect her in his silver Toyota car and to take her home.On her arrival she exited the vehicle and went to the gate of her parents’ home and was knocking when the three suspects approached her and James.Two of them pointed handguns at the victims while the third suspect took away Luella’s shoulder bag and relieved James of his I-phone, then made good their escape.And as if that was not enough, another overseas-based Guyanese had his holiday disrupted when he was robbed at gunpoint by two men around 21:30 hours also on Saturday.Terrence Solomon,wholesale jerseys, 49, of Lot 369 ‘E’ 29 Brooklyn,Cheap NFL Jerseys China Wholesale, New York, and presently stopping at Lot 46 East La Penitence,Nike Shox Women Clearance, was relieved of one I-phone, $25,000 in local currency,Cheap NFL Jerseys, US$300 and one gold chain and ring.The police said that Solomon was sitting in his car in front of the home where he was stopping and was talking on his cellular phone, when the suspects approached him.The men pulled out handguns from their pants waists and pointed them towards the victim.One of them dealt Solomon a lash to his head with the firearm and relieved him of the mentioned articles before making good his escape with his accomplice on foot through an alleyway.The overseas-based Guyanese was escorted to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation to seek medical attention.So far there are no reports of any arrests.

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