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發表於 2017-9-27 16:46:20 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– Estate management destroys trees in mad scrambleThe beleaguered Guyana Sugar Corporation (Guysuco) continues to be under stress, with the situation in the rundown entity getting from bad to worse, and in recent times, more comical.Just a few days into the second crop,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, workers at the Rose Hall Estate are upset that they were told that they are not required to work.The reason is that the factory is not functioning properly. In fact it is understood that the factory manager did not acquire wood to start the boiler to run the factory.Usually at the start of the crop, or the start of a new week after maintenance day, a significant amount of wood and bagasse is required to restart the boiler and energise the factory, as a lot of heat is required to build up steam to power the facility.However, after the long out-of-crop period, not enough bagasse was left back and the little that was available got water-soaked. In addition to that, strangely enough, no wood was purchased.When the canecutters turned out after the out of crop period, after a few days they were told that they were not required.It was soon discovered that the factory was not “firing up” because the little bagasse available was wet and there was no wood to power up the factory. The factory eventually started but went down again.After that embarrassment, the management in their wisdom or lack thereof, decided to cut down a number of age-old trees that adorn the compound in their mad scramble to get firewood to heat up the boiler.That angered a number of residents in the Canje area, who say that the move is a backward step by the corporation.Some elderly residents and former employees said that they are ashamed at the state that Guysuco has descended to.“Those trees were there long before anyone working in the corporation now were born and look what they have done. They have literally destroyed the environment.”The workers are peeved and say that management’s action reeks of incompetence or is just blatant cheapness.“They try to save two dollars and now have to spend hundreds.”  Workers say that instead of bringing in cash, Guysuco is wasting money. “This place is being run like a cake shop.”Estate employees were seen busily cutting down more trees in the compound.

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