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發表於 2016-12-11 04:12:42 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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DEF LEPPARD frontman Joe Elliott recently spoke to Las Vegas' 97.1 The Point radio station from his home in Dublin,Wholesale Jerseys, Ireland about the band's upcoming nine-show residency at the 2,950-capacity The Joint at Las Vegas' Hard Rock Hotel & Casino and about how DEF LEPPARD has kept their sound intact over the years. You can listen to the chat using the SoundCloud player below.DEF LEPPARD will play its 1987 album "Hysteria" in its entirety as part of the Las Vegas residency,Argentina Personalized Home Kid Soccer Country Jersey, which is scheduled to kick off at the end of March."We're very happy to be part of what I call the first wave of rockers to take Vegas back from the lounge singers — Wayne Newton and his type," said Elliott."Things like 'Run Riot', 'Don't Shoot Shotgun' and 'Love And Affection' got left by the wayside because of the popularity of other songs that,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, to be frank, if you don't play them live,Cheap NFL Jerseys, you don't get out of the building alive," Elliott added. "The oddest thing is going to be doing 'Pur Some Sugar On Me' fifth. In many respects, it's like the TROGGS opening with 'Wild Thing'.""In Las Vegas, you have to give people something they can't see anywhere else,Cheap NFL Jerseys," said Bobby Reynolds, vice president of booking at AEG Live.Viva Hysteria! will begin March 22 and follows Hard Rock residencies from MÖTLEY CRÜE and GUNS N' ROSES.Tickets are on sale now and start at $49.50,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, with floor seats going for $125.DEF LEPPARD guitarist Phil Collen spoke to Ultimate Classic Rock earlier this year about the possibility of a Las Vegas residency. "We've been talking about this for 10 years, me and Joe Elliott,Cheap NFL Jerseys, more than anyone else,Cheap NFL Jerseys Chinese," he said. "We [would] do [whole albums like] 'Hysteria' or we do 'Pyromania' one night and something like that would be great, but we've just talked about it. Obviously we haven't got it into gear,Cheap NFL Jerseys Authentic, it would be cool. It's getting the time to do it in a venue; I think that's brilliant MÖTLEY CRÜE doing it."

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