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發表於 2017-10-6 07:25:39 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– targets 1500 staffers One of the world’s biggest call centre companies is set to open a facility in the heart of the city, with over 1,500 staffers expected to be hired when it is fully operational.Teleperformance (RCF), which is headquartered in Paris, France, has leased the spanking new,Jerseys China Wholesale, multi-storeyed building at Camp and Robb Streets,Cheap NBA Jerseys China, which was recently constructed. The building belongs to the family that owns Discount Store, a prominent business located on Regent Street.The spanking new building at Camp and Robb Streets from which Teleperformance will be operating its call centre before the end of the first quarter.A director of Discount Store, Rizwan Khan, yesterday confirmed that the company has taken the entire building.According to Teleperformance (RCF), in a statement yesterday, it is a global leader in outsourced multi-channel customer experience management. The company is targeting the first quarter for operations to begin.“Teleperformance’s new multichannel contact centre will enhance its existing industry leading nearshore capabilities in providing high-quality customer care, sales, and technical support solutions to North American clients in English.”The company said its expansion to Guyana boosts its already “unmatched global delivery operating a worldwide footprint serving over 150 world markets.“This expansion also demonstrates sustained and robust demand among its clients for nearshore contact centre support for U.S.-based consumers. The Caribbean is a key part of the growing nearshore trend to support customers in North America,” said Jeff Balagna,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, CEO, EWAP.“With English as the official language of the country, Guyana offers an educated workforce, strong infrastructure and a stable overall environment. We are pleased to expand our operations into Georgetown, Guyana, not to just build a facility, but also to build a great long-lasting relationship with the local community.”The company is not just making an investment in capital but insists that it is investing in the people of Guyana.“Teleperformance also thanks the entire Guyanese Government at both the national and local levels for their great support in making this possible.”Paulo César Salles Vasques,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, CEO, Teleperformance Group stated: “Our move to Guyana specifically supports our rapidly emerging US market leadership position by adding another high quality delivery option for our clients who have diverse needs and who want location choices for US services delivery. Teleperformance is really excited to welcome our new Guyana team to our family and we remain humbled to be the clear worldwide number one player in our field thanks directly to client partner selection decisions.”Teleperformance serves companies around the world with customer care, technical support,Air Max 2018 Shoes, customer acquisition and debt collection programs. In 2013, it reported consolidated revenue of Euro 2,433 million (US$3,236 million)The group operates around 135,000 computerized workstations, with more than 175,000 employees across around 270 contact centers in 62 countries and serving more than 150 markets. It manages programs in 63 languages and dialects on behalf of major international companies operating in a wide variety of industries.The attraction of cheap labour has been seen as a major for advantage for Guyana as far as call centres are concerned. Mexico-based, Qualfon, and rice giant, Nandpersaud and Company,Cheap NFL Jerseys Authentic, are among some of the companies operating such facilities in Guyana.

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