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發表於 2017-10-6 12:49:17 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…police refuse to help victimA Smythfield, New Amsterdam resident, who was struck down by People’s Progressive Party Member of Parliament, Fizal Jafarally,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, of New Street, New Amsterdam, is pleading for justice.He is accusing the police of refusing to take any action in the matter.Rudalph Sheriff, 48, a father of three and of Lot 1 Caracas,Cheap Jerseys From China Online, Smythfield, New Amsterdam, stated that on Tuesday 15th May he was cycling along Main Street in New Amsterdam. He said that about 09:00 hrs he was in the vicinity of Freedom House, at Main and Cheddi Jagan Streets.He noticed a white Toyota Carina 192 with licence plate PHH 1150, belonging to NCN and used exclusively by Jafarally parked on the road in front of Freedom House.The man said that as he was about to pass the car, Jafarally suddenly opened the front door,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, striking him off his bike and onto the road.He said that he started to bleed and realized that his jaw was ripped open. The MP came out of the car looked at the vehicle and looked at him; he was on the road,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, passing blood groaning and in pain. He said that Jafarally told him to get up and go to the hospital. He said that the man chucked $200 at him despite his protestation that he was badly injured and wanted to be taken for medical attention.He said Jafarally told him “You face buss up; I gon contact you family. I know them good.” The MP then left and went into Freedom House. In the interim about two dozen other persons came out of Freedom house, looked at him and went back into the building.Sheriff, who works with his relatives at their Pharmacy and Restaurant,Cheap NFL Jerseys, stated that he eventually got up and journeyed to the Central Police Station about 100 meters away. There he made a report and was given a medical to take to the New Amsterdam hospital.The man said that he went to the hospital around 10:30 hours and despite his pains and suffering never left the institution until after 14:00 hrs.  When he passed by Freedom House on his way home the car was still parked there.  He was told by the doctor that his jaw was ripped open, his mouth was badly damaged and that he had injuries to his throat and head.Sheriff said that he went to the police station two days later and the police refused to take any action. “They refused to go and take any measurement even though the incident happen just a stone throw away.”He was told by the police that when they find Jafarally they will contact him. He returned to the station Thursday last and was told by the police,Cheap NHL Jerseys China, “We say we gon contact you when we find Jafarally”.He and his family are frustrated and upset that no action has been taken, and that the police seem reluctant to do anything since Jafarally is a member of the PPP and a Member of Parliament.Sheriff is calling on the Commissioner of Police,NFL Jerseys Outlet, The Minister of Home Affairs and the President to look into his matter since he is a citizen of Guyana and has his fundamental rights which are now being breached.He also wants the Opposition Parties and the Human Rights Association to look into his matter since the police seem reluctant to take any action. He is still suffering. He cannot eat and sleep properly and can only use liquids.He said that since the incident Jafarally has not contacted him.

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