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China Jerseys Cheap we have to crack this one.”According to an eyewitness









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發表於 2017-10-7 06:57:58 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– Two others still in custodyBy Latoya Giles Employees of the Demerara Bank last night staged a vigil at the scene where their murdered colleague, Sheema Mangar,Cheap Jerseys From China, breathed her last.Mangar died hours after she was dragged several feet under a car when she tried to retrieve a stolen cell phone from one of the occupants.The vigil saw her colleagues planting a cross bearing her name, on the median at the junction of Camp Street and North Road. Holding mini lanterns, colleagues of the dead woman silently walked around the spot where her body was finally deposited.Senior Manager at the bank, Sonia Mc Curdy, last night told this publication that employees decided to retrace Mangar’s final steps after leaving work.“When she left the bank for home she would walk this same route to catch a bus…She was a very silent person, so we decided to hold a silent vigil.”Colleagues holding up a Sheema’s photo last night during the vigilCurious onlookers most of whom are familiar with the incident,Cheap Jerseys From China, stopped and stared in apparent solidarity, with the dead woman’s colleagues.Meanwhile police sources yesterday confirmed that two suspects were still in custody.A source close to the investigation said yesterday, that they were still looking for a third suspect. Currently in custody is a 31-year-old driver and his aunt who worked at a popular Waterloo Street business.The third suspect, according to the source,Cheap Jerseys China, is closely related to the male who is in custody.Kaieteur News understands that the driver was taken into custody on Monday night after police received information which suggested that he had driven the car which ran over and killed 21-year-old Mangar.According to information the suspect and another individual were in the vehicle which ran over Mangar.A police official revealed that the driver has Kingston and Sophia addresses, and has had previous brushes with the law. However investigators yesterday said that they have received further information which suggested that man who is a father of two girls has a third address.The source explained that the car which was impounded has damage to the front fender and bonnet which further suggest that it was involved in an accident.Kaieteur News understands that crime scene ranks recovered a strand of hair on the carSources at the funeral home where Mangar’s body is being stored has confirmed  that detectives took samples from her remains. From all indications, police intend to have DNA tests conducted on the hair from the car and those from the victim.A senior police official said that the Force is leaving no stone unturned to catch the 21-year-old Demerara Bank cashier’s killers.“It’s a matter we are working on feverishly…we have to crack this one.”According to an eyewitness,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Sheema Mangar, of 675 Block Eight Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara,China Jerseys Free Shipping, was callously run over by a silver-grey car last Friday evening after one of the occupants had snatched her Blackberry cell phone.The former Queen’s College student had just left her workplace and was reportedly awaiting transportation near Camp Street and North Road.An eyewitness had recalled seeing a man running from North Road into Camp Street. She said that the man then got into a car which was parked near the Bedford Methodist Church on Camp Street.The eyewitness saw Mangar run towards the car while shouting “thief, thief.”Mangar then stood in front of the car,Cheap Jerseys From China, which was facing north, and shouted: “Give me my cell phone.”Instead, the driver of the car ran over Mangar, who was dragged to Church Street.The car then headed east along Church Street.A taxi driver told Kaieteur News that he was in the area when he saw Mangar lying on the roadway in the vicinity of Church and Camp Streets. He recalled that she was screaming and bleeding profusely.The taxi driver said that persons helped him place Mangar in his vehicle and he took her to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation.She was subsequently transferred to the St. Joseph Mercy Hospital where she succumbed on Saturday.An autopsy revealed that she died as a result of a ruptured spleen. She had also sustained a broken right hand, head injuries and lacerations to the body.The slain woman’s colleagues at the Demerara Bank and the public at large have spoken out in condemnation of the heinous act.

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