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Jerseys From China some 30 miles from Lethem is now impassable









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發表於 2017-10-8 01:56:30 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Transportation in and out of Lethem has been severely hampered as a result of the destruction by fire of one of the main bridges along the roadway to the border community.The main beams of the 45-metre bridge were completely destroyedKaieteur News understands that the wooden bridge at Pirara, some 30 miles from Lethem is now impassable,Cheap Soccer Jerseys Wholesale, forcing motorists who were already on the roadway to revert to driving though the shallow creek that runs under the burnt out structure.However, with heavy duty traffic causing damage to the shoulders of the creek, the situation could soon reach crisis proportions, if the bridge is not repaired in a timely manner.According to reports, the fire started sometime on Sunday night but it was only discovered around 07:00 hours by a commuter coming from Annai who was attempting to cross the bridge.A few persons then tried to put of the blaze but their efforts were futile.The main beams of the 45-metre bridge,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, which is one of the main access routes into the Rupununi were completely destroyed.“This bridge is very important to people of region nine,” one resident told this newspaper.Regional Chairman, Clarendo Lucas,Wholesale Jerseys Online, told Kaieteur News that the matter was brought to his attention early yesterday morning and it was discussed during an emergency meeting he was having with other regional officials.He informed that he is seeking the advice of the Ministry of Public Works to ascertain the type of steps that will be taken to replace the structure,Nike Shox Men Clearance, since he stated that replacement concrete bridges along the road to Lethem are in the pipelines.However,Cheap NFL Jerseys, he is convinced that immediate temporary steps would have to be taken since there is no telling when the concrete bridge project will commence.Meanwhile,jerseys cheap nfl, investigations are ongoing to determine what caused the fire.Arson has not been ruled out.

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