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Jerseys NFL Cheap her son continued to be haunted by the nasty









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發表於 2017-10-9 03:03:33 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Police at the Brickdam Station are yet to release at least two of the young East Bank Demerara men who were arrested between last Wednesday afternoon and Thursday night during what was described as an “ongoing campaign.”The men were reportedly taken from the East Bank villages of Agricola, McDoom and Bagotstown.Reports reaching this newspaper yesterday suggested that most of the young men were released on Friday after they were processed by police.Yesterday, one resident said that her 18-year-old son was afforded his freedom at around noon on Friday. She said that about seven other youths were released along with her son.The woman divulged that her son has since been plunged into a traumatic state, since he still cannot comprehend why he was treated as a common criminal.She said that the boy related that his fingerprints were taken,Cheap Jerseys, as was his photograph, which now causes him to be in the police record although he has never committed an offence.According to the upset mother, the lad keeps recounting the unsavoury condition of his confinement, adding that he was forced to sling himself up, literally to avoid being defiled by the perennial filth.Even up to yesterday, the woman said, her son continued to be haunted by the nasty,Cheap NFL Jerseys, soggy environment at the Brickdam Police Station.Another resident said that her 39-year-old brother and her 35-year-old cousin still remain in police custody.She said that although she keeps visiting the station,China Jerseys Wholesale, she has been given no word as to when the men will be released.The woman said that even her brother’s employer attempted to secure a comment from the police as to why the man is in custody and when he could return to work.According to the woman,Jersyes From China, her brother is a mason and will be losing much-needed finances every day that he remains in the lock-up.She informed this newspaper that the two men were also subjected to being fingerprinted and photographed.She added,Cheap China Jerseys, too,Wholesale Jerseys Cheap, that she has learnt that her relatives are being scrutinised in connection with a robbery which she claims they know nothing about.She said that it was brought to her attention that the police arrested them “just in case,” and it is likely that they will have to provide the police with a statement.The woman claims that she and her other relatives will continue to bombard the police station regularly until the young men are all released.

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