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jerseys from china Georgetown.Home Affairs Minister









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發表於 2017-10-9 23:41:35 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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While the international community is free to access information on Trafficking In Persons (TIP) in Guyana from various stakeholders, Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee believes that for international courtesy Government’s views should be overarching and fundamental.He made that assertion on Wednesday at a TIP Training of Trainers workshop held at the Guyana International Conference Centre, which was attended by representatives of the international donor community including the United Nations Development Programme, and United States Embassy, Georgetown.Home Affairs Minister, Clement RoheeAccording to Rohee, because Government is a signatory to conventions and treaties in relation to TIP it is accountable to international organizations such as the United Nations, the Organization of American States and Commonwealth of Nations.Rohee pointed to Guyana’s adherence to treaties and conventions to which it has signed onto. “And, were we not to be accountable to these treaties and conventions to which we are part then obviously the international community would have something to say about that,” he said.Rohee stressed that Government does not underestimate or over estimate the extent to which human trafficking exists in Guyana. However, because Guyana is a democracy if someone wishes to exaggerate a matter he or she is free to do so, he added.“But, there will be others that have another view and the question is whose views you take into consideration. It would seem to me that the view of the government is always critical because it is the government that signs conventions and treaties,” the Minister noted.In June, the 2013 U.S. TIP Report released by the U.S. State Department of State,Jerseys From China, Guyana is recorded as both a source and destination for men, women and children being subjected to sex trafficking and forced labour. A continued enabling environment for human trafficking has landed Guyana on the Tier 2 Watch List.Days after, Cabinet Secretary Dr. Roger Luncheon said Government believes that the United States Embassy in Georgetown is the source of inaccurate reports of TIP in Guyana that are reflected in the US State Department’s 2013 TIP Report.Apparently, Guyana’s Ministerial Task Force on Trafficking in Persons (MTFTIP) had expressed deep concern that the 2013 State Department’s Report on TIP in Guyana has not reviewed the country fairly.“The Government of Guyana regrets that the US Embassy,China Jerseys, though it requests every year responses of the Government of Guyana to a questionnaire on TIP, does not accurately reflect these responses in its Annual Report…Consequently, the Government of Guyana wishes to make it clear that in the future it will not be completing and returning questionnaires on Trafficking in Persons to the US authorities,” the MTFTIP said.However,Cheap NFL Jerseys, the US Embassy in Georgetown stands by the Department of State’s 2013 TIP Report on Guyana. And, even without Government filling out the questionnaires the US will still include Guyana in its reports. According to the Embassy, the report draws heavily on information provided by the Government of Guyana, which has been comprehensively incorporated into the report.“We also draw on other sources including Government officials, local and international NGO representatives,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, representatives of international organizations, journalists, academics,NFL Jerseys China, and trafficking survivors.“The Department of State has credible sources to support every statement in the Report,” the Embassy said.According to Leader of the Opposition, Brig. David Granger,Cheap China Jerseys, for a long time unfortunately Government pretended TIP was not a problem in Guyana. “Government set up its own Ministerial Task Force on Trafficking in Persons and it was quite prepared almost every year, to criticize the US State Report, which in fact had pointed to TIP being a problem in Guyana,” Granger said.He stated that Government must signal to the police force and the wider society that it would no longer tolerate TIP and the longer it takes the problem would continue to linger.According to Rohee, the fact that Government has established a Ministerial task force with representatives from the most important Ministries and the Director of Public Prosecutions’ chamber to have oversight of TIP sends a strong signal of Government’s commitment and dedication to fight TIP.Rohee said that had there not been such a task force a call would have been for one to be established. Fortunately the Government had the vision to establish such a task force, he noted. (Keeran Singh)

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