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[足球] Cheap Jerseys Online other Ministers will be appointed in the Presidency









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– Harmon to be Minister-in-ChargeChanges are evident. Among his first order of business on the first Monday at work,Nike Air Max 1 Ultra Flyknit Womens, President David GrangerLt Colonel (Ret’d) Joseph Harmon will be named Minister-in-Charge of the renamed Office of the President.yesterday signaled intentions to designate the Office of the President as the Ministry of the Presidency.The President made the announcement to staffers at the Presidential Complex when he met with them.According to the Head of State, the new Ministry will be headed by Lt. Col. Rt. Joseph Harmon.He explained that when Harmon enters the National Assembly, he will be designated the Minister of State, so he will be head, or the Minister-in-Charge of the Ministry of the Presidency.The President said that from time to time, other Ministers will be appointed in the Presidency, “but Mr. Harmon will be the person who will be exercising the ministerial function under my directions of this ministry… Some departments will continue,NFL Jerseys China Online, some will remain, but most important thing is that we ensure there is no disruption,Cheap Adidas Hockey Jerseys, simple. Comrade Harmon will be doing the job that Dr. Luncheon,Cheap NHL Jerseys, did, with some exceptions, he won’t be doing NIS, but as far as OP is concerned, he is Minister in Charge.”Under the former administration, former Head of the Presidential Secretariat,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Dr. Roger Luncheon, was Chairman of the National Insurance Scheme (NIS) and Secretary of the Defence Board.Harmon, a practicing lawyer, has risen through ranks of the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) becoming one of the main faces and voices leading up to last week’s elections.According a Government statement, Harmon expressed his gratitude at the appointment saying that A Partnership for National Unity /Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) administration intends to be service oriented.“We are the servants of the people, and the people are excited and expectant,Office of the President is to be renamed, Head of State,Cheap Soccer Jerseys, David Granger announced yesterday.and if you understand this, this is what they are looking for. I have met with some of the staff already and indicated that there is no witch hunt. Government has to be continued, we expect that you will serve to deliver this. We will provide a quality of service that all ministries must emulate, that would be the envy of the Caribbean.”The President will meet all Permanent Secretaries tomorrow at the Guyana International Conference Centre.

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