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wholesale jerseys the company is meeting the goal of safety and proficiency









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發表於 2017-10-11 07:45:00 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Air Services Limited Flight School in Guyana is the evidence that the emphasis of Air Services Limited is on maintaining the highest standards in flight instruction. At the same time, the company is meeting the goal of safety and proficiency, said senior Executive Annette Arjoon-Martins.Cpt Fawzy Abdelhalim and trainee pilots.She said that the result is that the school has become the leading aviation flight school in the region. Over the years,Discount NFL Jerseys, its graduates were absorbed into the company and are now senior command pilots with solidly established credentials and thousands of hours of experience,Nike Roshe Run Women, making them very attractive to other domestic airlines at Ogle where some of them can be found assisting those companies on their expansion programmes.The chief pilot of the Guyana Defence Force is a former student of the flight school as are some of his colleagues. Other graduates have expanded their careers in employment with the regional airlines.The school was opened in 2003 when its parent company Air Services Limited embarked on its expansion and decided to produce professionally-trained pilots locally.The school is fully certified by the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority (GCCA) and is staffed by three highly qualified flight instructors with tens of thousands of hours of instruction time.  It is equipped with three Cessna 172 aircraft,Wholesale Jerseys China, a flight simulator and a state-of-the-art classroom with the most modern teaching aids.The parent company’s other 19 aircraft – consisting of six different types – are also used as training equipment resource when the students advance to flying multi-engine and other types.Courses offered are the Private Pilots Course, Instrument Rating,Wholesale Jerseys, Commercial Pilots Certificate and the Multi-Engine Rating.Becoming a student of Air Services Limited Flight School immediately opens doors for employment as a line pilot after graduating from the commercial course as the company’s acquisition of new aircraft has created openings in the crewing area.Recent interest from students in the Caribbean,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, Africa and the Middle East has resulted in the company applying for permission to construct a student’s dormitory which, once permitted,Nike Air Max 2018, would take the growth of the school to another level.The Flight School will be exhibiting at Guyexpo and is prominently located immediately opposite the Technology Village so come check us out and learn more on how to make your dream of becoming a pilot a reality! You can also win a chance to go on an aerial tour of the city and to check out the thriving mangrove forest that was recently replanted at Beterverwagting.

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