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Cheap NFL Jerseys involves converting the electrical and automation systems









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–    company also hired to convert Kingston plant to 60HzGovernment has extended its contract with the Finnish corporation Wärtsilä for another four years to operate and maintain its three largest power plants.According to a statement from Wärtsilä, the agreement will represent the longest ongoing service agreement for the company. The contract will also see Wärtsilä working to convert the frequency output of the Kingston 1 power plant of the Guyana Power and Light Inc. (GPL) from 50Hz to 60Hz.GPL has hired Wärtsilä for another four years to manage its three biggest power plants.In addition to a power plant at Kingston, Georgetown, GPL has Wärtsilä generating sets at Garden of Eden, East Bank Demerara. Another plant of 26MW is being built at Vreed-en-Hoop, West Bank Demerara. The latter will be among the three that Wärtsilä will manage.Wärtsilä said that the contract,NFL Jerseys From China, until 2016, will cover responsibilities for the production of some 80MW of power.The company signed its first operations and maintenance (O&M) agreement in 1994, ensuring the “continual optimization of the plants’ performance, efficiency and availability.  Indicative of this capability is the fact that the engines, which were installed almost twenty years ago, are still in operation and have provided an uninterrupted flow of power to consumers in Guyana.”The frequency conversion part of the agreement, Wärtsilä explained, involves converting the electrical and automation systems, and is intended to remove the need for dual equipment.“The operations and maintenance agreement extension furthers our long standing partnership with GPL, and is a prime example of the commitment of Wärtsilä towards its customers. By working to support and maintain the lifecycle efficiencies of the GPL facilities, we can help the customer to meet the challenges of the changing energy market,” says Marc Tarbox,China Jerseys Wholesale, General Manager, Wärtsilä in the Caribbean.“Guyana Power and Light is pleased with the results of the cooperation with Wärtsilä, and looks forward to the same consistent high level of service for the next four years,” says Bharat Dindyal, CEO of GPL.With Guyana’s demand for electricity currently centered on using fossil fuel and more than 80MW needed daily on the coast,Cheap Jerseys, on average,jerseys from china, the Wärtsilä-made sets have been crucial.An O&M agreement is a comprehensive form of asset management. Typically, such agreements can be tailored to cover the entire scope of operational,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, management, and maintenance services, as well as providing performance guarantees for the installation.“By taking responsibility for operating and maintaining the facility, Wärtsilä implements its global best practices to ensure that it delivers the design output with maximum efficiency.”According to the company,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, it manages some 17 GW of generating capacity in 55 countries.In the Americas, Wärtsilä operates approximately 2.4 GW of power generation capacity.It is also a global leader in complete lifecycle power solutions for the marine and energy markets.In 2011, Wärtsilä’s net sales totalled EUR 4.2 billion with approximately 18,000 employees. The company has operations in nearly 170 locations in 70 countries around the world.

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