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Nike Air Vapor Max Flyknit Women on Sunday









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發表於 2017-10-12 07:24:36 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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As investigators continue to probe the death of 22-year-old Gangadai Persaud, who lost her life after her husband allegedly reversed off the Demerara Habour Bridge (DHB) on Sunday,Cheap Nike Huarache Shoes, Clifton Hicken, Commander of ‘A’ Division revealed that the woman’s partner could very well face charges.Dead: Gangadai PersaudThe Commander said that if it is found that the mother of one lost her life as a result of her husband’s negligence, then the man, Dhanram Ramdeo Ramlall, will be charged.The police are currently preparing a file to take to the Director of Public Prosecution for advice.Around 10:00 hrs,Cheap NFL Jerseys From China, the lifeless body of the Tuschen Housing Scheme, West Coast Demerara (WCD) woman was pulled from a submerged canter truck in the Demerara River several hours after it plunged off the DHB.The tragic incident occurred when Ramlall reportedly attempted to turn the truck on the bridge but apparently made a big misjudgment instead and reversed off the open side of the structure.The Traffic Chief,Cheap NFL Jerseys Authentic, Dion Moore, said that overtaking and reversing are prohibited on the Habour Bridge. He related that if investigators found that the driver indeed attempted to turn on the bridge, then he would be charged for dangerous driving.Up to late yesterday, Ramlall was still in police custody at the Providence Police Station.At the scene on Sunday, an eyewitness, Mark Henry, said that the Canter truck driver was heading in an easterly direction on the bridge when a bag,Cheap NFL jerseys China, containing boulangers fell from the back of his truck.He said that because it was early,Jerseys From China, there were hardly any vehicles on the bridge and he (Ramlall) attempted to turn around by the retractor span area, where there are no rails, to retrieve the bag.“While he trying to turn,Wholesale NBA Jerseys, I turn to the guy who was in the vehicle with me and said, watch wah going on hey.” By the time I say that, the man back wheel went over and was overboard he reach,” Henry explained.He recalled that he stopped his vehicle and ran towards the area where the truck went off but of course, there wasn’t anything he could have done since the vehicle was already going under the water.“I started shouting for help, and like five minutes after I see he (truck driver) come out from under the water and he was holding onto a wire and he said that his wife alone in the Canter,” the eyewitness said.However, General Manager of the DHB, Rawlston Adams said that the truck driver provided the Bridge Supervisor, who was on duty at the time, with a different version of what transpired on Sunday.Adams said the driver related that it was raining and he fell asleep and the vehicle went overboard.But the General Manager explained that when the divers located the vehicle, it was discovered that the truck went off “back first because the front was up (under the water) and the back was down.”Meanwhile, a Post Mortem (PM) examination on the remains of the mother of one revealed that she died by drowning. The PM was done yesterday at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) by Government Pathologist, Dr Nehaul Singh.

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