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Wholesale Stitched NFL Jerseys Brigadier David Granger









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發表於 2017-10-12 08:24:38 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Opposition Leader,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Brigadier David Granger, has called on President Donald Ramotar to halt the plan to re-deploy overseers of several Neighbourhood Democratic Councils (NDCs).Granger has written to Ramotar pointing out that A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and members of several NDCs are deeply concerned about the “arbitrary transfer” of their duly appointed overseers to areas outside of the jurisdiction.The transfers are being executed by the Minister of Local Government or his officials,Wholesale Jerseys Cheap, the Office of the Opposition Leader said in a statement.“The result of the Minister’s action is that confusion has been created among Councils, the communities they represent and the political partners of APNU, particularly the People’s National Congress Reform,Wholesale NFL Jerseys,” Granger stated.He posited overseers affected by the Minister’s arbitrary decision are likely to suffer grave inconvenience and financial loss because of their assignments to areas far from where they reside and to areas with which they are not familiar.According to Granger, APNU does not believe that the law permits the Minister of Local Government to exercise such authority in the absence of specific recommendations from the relevant NDC.  Further, he said it would be unwise, even if the Minister had such authority,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys, to take such a drastic step without consulting the NDCs that were elected by their constituency.“The Minister’s public pronouncement suggests that he is under the illusion that the overseers employed through the NDC with his approval are the staff of the Ministry of Local Government,Nike Air Max Shoes For Women,” Granger stated.He said such a notion is very dangerous to the development of local democracy in Guyana.“It emphasizes the urgent need for the completion of Local Government reform as contained in the recommendations of the Local Government Task Force,Nike Air Max 2018,” Granger stated.The Ministry has been transferring a number of regional officials in a major reshuffling.In the West Demerara area, around 11 NDCs have reportedly written the government voicing their disapproval of the orders which came via letters from the Ministry recently.Among other things, the NDCs argued that the government is unauthorized.

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