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Region 10 Chairman Sharma Solomon, Vice Chairman Byron Lewis, and other councilors along with Leader of the Opposition David Granger on Tuesday visited the community of Hururu in the Region 10 district where they met with residents, including the village captain Winsbert Benjamin.It was Solomon’s first visit to the community, since his installation as Regional Chairman.The meeting, which was held at the community pavilion, afforded residents the opportunity to highlight issues affecting them, in order that ways could be sought to resolve them.Granger expressed pleasure at being in the community, and encouraged the residents to highlight their problems.He noted that as leader of the opposition he had spoken with the Alliance for Change and thus was able to present issues affecting the community in the National Assembly.“This is a great opportunity for you, to speak to your Regional Chairman, so that he can give you representation, and speak to the Leader of the Opposition, about issues affecting you, so that they could be raised in the National Assembly.Granger told the small gathering that all politics is local, “we want to know what affects the land,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, what affects your life, the school and what affects your health.Those are the things that concern you on a day-to-day basis, and those are the problems we want to help solve. We have to work together because we have a system, a local Government system, which ensures that you have representatives – you have a Captain, you have councilors. Similarly, at the Regional level,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, there is a chairman and councilors, and at the National level, we have members of the National Assembly – we have MP’s who can articulate. In our party (APNU) alone, we have Mr. George Norton, and Miss Dawn Hastings from the Upper Mazaruni and Sidney Allicock, who is from the Rupununi. So we have a voice, and we care about the issues that affect you.And we’ve gone all over this country- we’ve gone amongst the Akowaio people, in the Mazaruni, among the Patamona people in the Pakaraimas, among the Wapishanas and Macushi people in the Rupununi, and so we are aware of the issues that affect you, so when the captain spoke to me just now – I said Land,Cheap Sports Jerseys, I hear that word before, because everywhere I go, land is the issue; and we are committed to dealing with this land issue… that we should not encourage intruders on your land,cheap jerseys, and that you should not be able to run your community without getting full benefit from the land. “Granger added that from the time of Independence, 46 years ago, a part of the constitution dealt with Amerindian rights, and the Amerindian Rights Commission was set up.He said that the Amerindian demarcation of communities had not as yet been completed, and as such if there were still problems affecting the communities in that regard, then those should be highlighted.“We are here to listen, we are here to learn. We are here to look into your problems, so that is why we’re visiting…we are not politicking, we are not campaigning…we are problem solving.”Among the issues highlighted was the lack of trained teachers at the Hururu Primary and Nursery schools. It was noted that there are only four teachers presently at the schools, with only one being a trained teacher.The need for a proper internal road, to facilitate the movement of vehicles,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, was one of the other issues raised,Wholesale Jerseys Paypal, as well as that of potable water.Because many residents are involved in the logging industry, Regional Chairman Solomon raised the issue about the possibility of the community acquiring a sawmill, so that some amount of wood processing could be done there, which would benefit them through additional employment.Solomon noted that acquiring the sawmill would thus be advantageous to the community.The need for Government to step in and take over the privately-run Hururu Academy was also stressed, as concerned residents pointed out, that due to economic constraints, students’ attendance is low, as  many parents do not get money in a timely manner, to pay the school fees. The school was built by the village council,Cheap China Jerseys, and is currently run by same.These and other issues were ventilated, and both the regional chairman and Opposition Leader committed to helping towards their resolution. (Enid Joaquin)

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