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[本地音樂] Jerseys NFL Wholesale Bevon Mc Leod









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發表於 2017-10-12 12:11:53 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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–    Lover narrowly escapes jailThirty-three year-old Nicola Clarke was yesterday fined $50,000 after she was caught in a string of lies based on a false accusation she made against a man with whom she had a “one-night stand.”Presiding over the matter was Magistrate Sueanna Lovell at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court.The accused,Wholesale China NFL Jerseys, Bevon Mc Leod, a resident of Durban Street, Lodge,Wholesale China Jerseys, was a past lover of Clarke.  He told the court that last Tuesday (March 19), he was asked by Clarke to visit her home at George Street,Nike Air Max 95, Georgetown,Authentic NFL Jerseys Cheap, to help with some mechanical work with her car.The accused stayed there almost the entire day until Clarke,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, who he claimed he caught admiring him whilst he laboured on the car, asked for them to go for a drive. She then asked him to take her to a hotel. They bought some food and beverages and “had a nice time” at the hotel. As they were leaving, Clarke spotted her husband’s friend and hid in the hotel for a few minutes. She then gave the car keys to Mc Leod and begged him to take the car away from the hotel and he did.When Clarke’s husband was informed of some strange man driving his wife’s car,cheap nfl jerseys black friday, he questioned her and she told him that she was robbed. Her husband then strongly advised that she report the matter. The matter was reported and the accused was arrested and charged for robbery under arms.Yesterday before the magistrate, Clarke stated that she wished to give no evidence with regard to the matter.Prosecutor Denise Booker asked for the case to be dismissed due to the fact that Clarke gave her a story that was similar to Mc Leod’s statements in private.The Magistrate who became concerned with this false allegation, asked Clarke to take the stand.Clarke was asked why she wanted to drop the case and she said “I want to drop the case because I am leaving the country soon and I never told the prosecutor anything like that.”Prosecutor Booker objected to that falsehood as well and immediately called on another witness to testify that Clarke indeed told her a similar story.Clarke was caught in a sequence of lies and was cautioned by the Magistrate on how serious of an allegation she had made against an innocent man, and how she could have caused him to be “lost away in jail based on her lie to “cover up” her infidelity”.The complainant was fined and the case against the accused was subsequently dismissed.

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