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[中一] Wholesale Jerseys China Gail Teixeira









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發表於 2017-10-13 10:16:01 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…as GPA responds to Jagdeo/Teixeira tiradeThe Guyana Press Association (GPA) has responded to the last Sunday’s tirade by Head of State Bharrat Jagdeo and his Presidential Advisor,Cheap Soccer Jerseys Wholesale, Gail Teixeira,Wholesale NFL Jerseys Online, calling it an attempt to silence and bring harm to the local media.The Press Association was pointing to the salvo which came at the PPP rally on Sunday in Georgetown with the President highlighting reporters and the media platform at the event and describing media operatives as “Vultures and Carrion Crows” who should all be “thrown into jail” for going after him and his government.The GPA said that President Jagdeo’s assertion that local media should be placed before an international court and jailed was wholly uncalled for,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, damaging and repugnant.Jagdeo’s sentiments were supported also by his Political Advisor Teixiera who called on supporters to guard themselves against the media.“The Guyana Press Association would eschew reference to what vultures and carrion crows prey on; we hold ourselves to a higher standard as watchdogs of the public’s interest.”According to the GPA,Wholesale Jerseys, Teixeira’s provocative attempt to compare Rwanda’s media and its role in that country’s genocide to the Guyana media is also highly inflammatory and is condemned as an effort to both silence and bring harm to the local media.“The GPA rejects out of hand any labels that anyone either in high or other office seeks to foist upon the local press…We will continue to be vigilant and focused in this particular period where a higher standard is required…Therefore,China Jerseys Online, we wish that a higher standard also be held by the politicians.”The Press Association charged that it and the wider media fraternity shall hold all of “these politicians on all sides of the political aisle responsible for the safety of media workers since it is obvious that media workers are now being targeted in this politically charged environment…”The Guyana Press Association intends to inform and continue to update its colleagues across the Caribbean and the International Press Groups about these developments.

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