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發表於 2017-10-13 19:07:10 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– another rank pawns his weapon to nurseThe Guyana Police Force is investigating two of its members following some glaring discrepancies regarding the security of two of that organisation’s weapons.The two incidents, while unrelated, pointed to a glaring lack of professionalism on the part of the ranks involved.In both cases, the weapons ended up in the hands of civilians; and had it not been for the public-spirited nature of the individuals involved, the police would have been unable to recover them.Kaieteur News understands that,Cheap Nike Huarache Shoes, in one case, the police are trying to establish how a civilian was able to walk into the Suddie Police Station and remove an FN rifle without being detected.In the other case,Wholesale Jerseys China, investigators are still trying to ascertain how a police weapon ended up in the hands of a nurse at a public hospital.Both incidents occurred during the course of last week,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, and the ranks involved are presently under close arrest.According to reports,Wholesale Jerseys Group, early last week, a rank at the Suddie Police Station reportedly got drunk and lost possession of the rifle with which he was entrusted.It is alleged that the rank had uplifted the weapon with 14 live rounds and had reportedly misplaced it after going off to sleep in another room of the station.He had initially told investigators that he had left the weapon near the flag pole, which is located at the front of the station compound.He later indicated that he may have left it on the counter of the enquiries room and went off to sleep.This newspaper was informed that two civilians who went to the station to visit a prisoner saw the weapon and took it, since no one was around.There is evidence that they took it to a remote area, where they fired several rounds before abandoning it.According to a source,NBA Jerseys China, the police did not miss the weapon initially, but a few days later they got information that a weapon was wrapped in plastic and left at a specific location.A search of the location unearthed the weapon, but only with a few rounds left in the magazine.The other incident was more troubling to the Force’s administration.It is alleged that a rank who was guarding a prisoner at the Georgetown Hospital had handed over the Force’s weapon minus the magazine to a nurse to keep as surety for a loan he had taken.The rank had promised to return with the money he owed to uplift the weapon.However,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, when he did not return, the nurse became worried and gave the weapon to a colleague of the police, who had taken over duty.The colleague then informed his superiors, who promptly placed the errant rank under close arrest.According to a senior police officer,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, the two incidents point clearly to a new wave of complacency creeping back into the Force.It is not yet clear if the ranks will be charged criminally or departmentally in connection with the transgressions.

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